Read the latest Indiana University faculty and staff news in the July 2010 issue of IU Home Pages.

There are more than 200 species of mosquito indigenous to the United States, about 30 of which can be found within Indiana's state boundaries. The state Department of Health released a report two weeks ago suggesting that the amount and timing of rainfall across the state would favor a bounteous mosquito population this summer. Eggs are hatching now, with female bloodsuckers expected to harass humans and other mammals over the next few weeks.
Kirkwood Observatory Public Open House
10:30-11:30 p.m.
Kirkwood Observatory, IU Bloomington
IU Bloomington's historic Kirkwood Observatory will be open to the public for viewing each Wednesday evening when the sky is clear until November. For updated weather conditions and closings, please call the Kirkwood Observatory Hotline at 812-855-7736. The observatory is located at the wooded edge of campus near the corner of Fourth Street and Indiana Avenue. For more information, please visit http://www.astro.indiana.edu/kirkwood.shtml.
Scientists at Work: CTSI-SEED program

When people ask Rachel Hawn how she's spending her summer vacation, they rarely expect the answer they receive. While many her age are stretched out in the sun or toiling at a summer job, Hawn, a junior at Warren Central High School, has been contributing to laboratory research on targeted gene therapy for colorectal and cervical cancer. Hawn's participation in this project has been made possible by the support of the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI), in partnership with Project SEED, which pairs high school students interested in science and medicine with local research scientists, including many from the Indiana University School of Medicine.
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The combination of decitabine and carboplatin appears to improve the outcome of women who have late-stage ovarian cancer. In an upcoming issue of the journal Cancer, Indiana University researchers report four of 10 patients who participated in a phase I clinical trial had no disease progression after six months of treatment. One patient experienced complete resolution of tumor tissue for a period of time. Advanced ovarian cancer is often diagnosed too late for treatment to be effective. Patients are often told they have virtually no chance of recovery and only months to live.
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The deaths of nearby relatives have a curious effect on the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus -- surviving cells lose their stickiness. Indiana University Bloomington biologists report in an upcoming issue of Molecular Microbiology that exposure to the extracellular DNA (eDNA) released by dying neighbors stops the sticky holdfasts of living Caulobacter from adhering to surfaces, preventing cells from joining bacterial biofilms. Less sticky cells are more likely to escape established colonies, out to where conditions may be better.
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Indiana University Bloomington chemist Erin Carlson is a 2010 Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences, the Pew Charitable Trusts has announced. The honor and four-year, $240,000 award is intended to give young researchers the wherewithal to explore the uncharted areas of their fields, and to take chances in pursuit of important discoveries. Carlson, an assistant professor of chemistry, is IU Bloomington's second honoree in two years. Biologist Joe Pomerening, IU's first-ever Pew Scholar, was nominated last year.
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For medical researchers and inventors, discovering new innovative technologies is only a first step. To save lives and improve human health, these treatments and devices must make it from the lab to the marketplace -- a process that can be time consuming and filled with roadblocks. In an effort to streamline this process, Indiana University's Pervasive Technology Institute, the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, and Cook Medical have worked together to create i2iconnect.org, a unique online service that matches inventors and technology transfer professionals with companies looking to develop their inventions into commercially viable products.
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Two separate collaborations involving Indiana University scientists have reported new results suggesting unexpected differences between neutrinos and their antiparticle brethren. These results could set the stage for what one IU physicist calls a "radical modification of our understanding of particle physics." The two experiments -- MINOS and MiniBooNE -- in their own unique ways search for a phenomenon where one type, or flavor, of neutrino (there are three: electron, muon and tau) changes into another flavor while traveling through space. Previous experiments, including MINOS, have reported evidence for such transitions, the existence of which indirectly prove that the ghostly neutrinos have non-zero, albeit tiny, masses.
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Repopulating the moon-like terrain around abandoned mines is slow, plodding work, but a new Indiana University Bloomington report in Applied Soil Ecology suggests symbiotic fungi specifically adapted to toxic zones can give colonizing plant partners a strong foothold. Fungi recently adapted to living in the nutrient-poor soils around abandoned coal mines had a significant impact on plant growth -- even plants grown in non-mine soils.
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The June 15, 2010, issue of Discoveries featured IU Bloomington science journalist S. Holly Stocking, who recently partnered with the New York Times on an impressive science writing primer. Also included were stories about evolving sRNA, matter-antimatter physics, lake ecology, six new businesses driven by IU science, and Royal Society awards for chemist Gary Hieftje and biologist Loren Rieseberg.
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Some recent titles by IU researchers
"Facile synthesis of carbon-11-labeled cholesterol-based cationic lipids as new potential PET probes for imaging of gene delivery in cancer," Steroids, Oct. 2010, by M. Gao, M. Wang, K.D. Miller, G.W. Sledge, G.D. Hutchins, and Q.H. Zheng
"What aspects of human alcohol use disorders can be modeled using selectively bred rat lines?" Substance Use & Misuse, Sept. 2010, by J.C. Froehlich
"Social defeat differentially affects immune responses in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus)," Physiology and Behavior, Aug. 4, 2010, E.M. Chester, T. Bonu, and G.E. Demas
"A circadian clock regulates sensitivity to cadmium in Paramecium tetraurelia," Cell Biology and Toxicology, Aug. 2010, by R.D. Hinrichsen and J.R. Tran
The IU Summer Music Festival marks the 200th anniversary of the births of Robert Schumann and Frederic Chopin, and welcomes soprano Angela Brown back to Bloomington for a special event in the Musical Arts Center. More than 50 events celebrate the summer in Bloomington through Aug. 10.