Star Trak

Dazzling white Venus will come into view low in the west-southwest as evening twilight fades during September. On Sept. 8, about 45 minutes after sunset, the crescent moon will be just below Venus with the bright white star Spica less than 2 degrees to the lower right (west), forming a lovely trio as darkness falls.
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The annual Perseid meteor shower, which will peak on the night of Aug. 11-12, is one of the most popular every year because it happens on warm summer nights, when gazing at the starry sky is always enjoyable. In a clear, dark sky there may be as many as 60 bright meteors per hour, some with smoke trails that last several seconds after the meteor has vanished. Start observing around midnight local daylight time. The crescent moon will set before midnight, so it won't interfere.
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During the third week of July, the planet Venus will close in on the bright white star Regulus in the constellation Leo the Lion, and on the evenings of July 21 and 22, the two brilliant objects will be only about 1 degree apart. Venus will be more than 100 times brighter than the star, but the pair will be a beautiful sight in binoculars.
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Mercury will have a fine evening appearance during June. It will be visible near much-brighter Venus for most of the month, making it easy to spot above the west-northwestern horizon. Nearby above the two planets will be the bright stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation Gemini the Twins.
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Venus, Jupiter and Mercury will have a spectacular series of conjunctions in evening twilight during the last half of May. Skywatchers will need a clear view of the western horizon to see the stately dance of the planets as it unfolds.
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Saturn will gleam at its biggest and brightest for the year during April, remaining near its peak of visibility for most of the night throughout the month. The bright yellow planet will be opposite the sun in our sky ("at opposition") on April 28, when it will rise in the east at sunset and be visible all night as it crosses the sky.
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