
IU School of Public and Environmental Affairs seminar to produce policy articles for Wikipedia

Barry Rubin's class College students usually write their papers for an audience of one: their instructor. But students this fall in an Indiana University Bloomington class will be writing for a much larger group of readers. In a graduate seminar taught by Barry Rubin, a professor in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, students will produce articles for Wikipedia, the vast online encyclopedia that is written and edited by an online community and visited by hundreds of millions of people a day.  Full Story

Indiana University economist makes case for science-based fiscal policies

Eric Leeper

Fiscal decisions about budgets, taxes and spending should be based on economic science, in much the same way that monetary policy has come to be science-based in recent decades, Indiana University economist Eric Leeper argues in a recent paper. Leeper says U.S. fiscal policy is "too political and too confused to be a player" in ensuring a strong economy. And fiscal confusion, he adds, threatens to undermine the effectiveness of monetary policy.

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IU researchers share policy findings with Indiana school administrators

CEEP Conference

At last week's Indiana Public School/University Partnership Mini-Symposium, superintendents and other school leaders from across Indiana traveled to Bloomington to hear research-based information from IU experts. Jonathan Plucker and Terry Spradlin of IU's Center for Evaluation and Education Policy addressed school consolidation, the national "excellence gap," Indiana school funding prospects and likely hot topics in the 2011 session of the state legislature.

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Partnership lands grant to help enrich Richmond history teachers' curriculum

Madonna of the Trail

Richmond and Wayne County, Ind., is an area rich in history. Now Richmond history teachers will be able to research the county's roots in industrialization, entrepreneurship, social justice and transportation, thanks to a partnership of IU East, Richmond Community Schools, the Wayne County Historical Museum and the Indiana State Museum that was awarded a U.S. Department of Education grant.

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IUPUI's McCormick awarded Jean Monnet Chair in EU politics

European Parliament

John McCormick has for the past two decades dedicating his research and teaching to the politics of the European Union. The results include five books, a faculty-student exchange with six European universities and the Midwest Model European Union, which attracts as many as 180 students from across the region each year. Now the Indiana University-Purdue University political science professor has achieved his greatest academic recognition: the award of a Jean Monnet Chair in EU Politics.

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IU Maurer School of Law professor to play key role in major study on Indian judiciary

Jayanth Krishnan of the Indiana University Maurer School of Law will serve as project director for an intensive study on the lower judiciary in India. Krishnan is professor of law, Charles L. Whistler Faculty Fellow and head of the India Initiative at the Maurer School's Center on the Global Legal Profession.

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Restoring trust in government is essential

Sheila Kennedy

At a time when Americans seem to increasingly distrust each other, an Indiana University professor argues that creating trustworthy institutions -- especially within government -- is a key to rebuilding the nation's social capital. "Restoring trust in government is the first step to restoration of generalized social trust, because we rely on government to insure the trustworthiness of other social institutions," writes Sheila Suess Kennedy, professor in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at IUPUI.

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Previous issue

Aguacate boys

The August 2010 issue of Perspectives on Policy includes an article on an IU anthropology professor whose research lent support to a Belize court decision upholding Maya land rights. Also featured are articles about a book on immigration and race, a state child poverty commission chaired by an IU dean, a graduate program for Vietnamese government employees, research on bias prevention in standardized tests, an IU Northwest service-learning trip and two IU siblings who helped with the Gulf oil cleanup.

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