Last modified: Wednesday, October 14, 2009
IU School of Continuing Studies announces 2009-10 award recipients
Oct. 14, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Eleven individuals were recognized by the Indiana University School of Continuing Studies (SCS) at a luncheon held recently at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
This year's recipient of the IU School of Continuing Studies Distinguished Alumni Award is Brenda L. Bickel, a graduate of IU South Bend. Bickel earned her Associate of General Studies in 1980 and her Bachelor of General Studies in 1982. She is now a financial advisor with Raymond James Financial Services in Mishawaka, Ind., and has served on the Continuing Studies Alumni Board for nine years, including three as board president and three as immediate past president. She is also a member of the IU Alumni Association and a past member of the IUAA Executive Council.
The Distinguished Alumni Award is given to an alumnus or alumnae of the school who has distinguished him or herself through outstanding service to the public and/or Indiana University.
Teaching Excellence Awards are given to individuals who have provided outstanding teaching service in such areas as campus classroom teaching, instructional development, professional development, noncredit lifelong learning, and other aspects of professional service that support the education of adult learners and others in general studies. This year's recipients are:
- Timothy Kersey, political science instructor, SCS independent study courses, for his dedication to student learning, exceptional instruction, and work developing new online courses.
- Sheila A. Hunt-Cuffy, communication instructor, IPFW, for her exceptional teaching, dedication to students, and involvement in the IPFW and Fort Wayne communities.
- Todd J. Raines, computer instructor, IPFW, for his work in developing new courses and certificates; for his efforts to revamp curricula to keep pace with new technologies; and for his willingness to assist other instructors, accommodate students' needs, and recognize the trends and needs of his community.

Margaret Londergan
Service Awards are given to any individual who serves in a professional or support staff position within the SCS divisions across the state, normally in recognition of several years of service and outstanding contributions to the campus program and local academic community. This year's recipients are:
- Chuck Fearnow, manager of distributed education, IUPUI Community Learning Network Credit Programs, for his assistance and direction in the development of online learning programs within CLN and in other departments on campus.
- Sandy McMurtrie, academic advisor, IPFW General Studies Degree program, for her dedication to her advisees, involvement on the IPFW Alumni Board, and teaching.
- Lisa Bidwell, instructional development manager, university-wide School of Continuing Studies, for her outstanding management, effective leadership, and dedication to the SCS mission.
- Stephen Earnest for his service as associate faculty with the M. S. in Adult Education degree program. He taught the Participation Training course in the program for 23 years and served on the Adult Education Advisory Board. Before retiring in 2008, Steve was an organizational development consultant for Clarian Health.
The Dean's Special Recognition Award is given to an individual or individuals who have contributed in some outstanding manner to SCS and/or to the local, state, or national advancement of education for adult learners. This year's recipients are:
- Margaret Londergan, manager of the Adaptive Technology Centers, for her dedication to making education accessible to students with disabilities, including those learning at a distance.
- Sherry D. Dick, director of adult education for the Monroe County Community School Corporation, for her dedication and years of service to adult education efforts in Monroe County, and for her work in identifying and securing funding for various programs at Broadview Learning Center.
- Robert F. Lovely, for his many years of service to the School of Continuing Studies. He has served as director of general studies at the IU Northwest campus, associate dean for academic programs, and acting dean of the school.
For more information about the School of Continuing Studies, visit or call 800-334-1011.