Last modified: Monday, July 19, 2010
Indiana University teams up to offer IT workshops to alumni and other organizations
July 19, 2010
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Indiana University School of Continuing Studies (SCS), University Information Technology Services (UITS) IT Training & Education group and the IU Alumni Association (IUAA) have adopted a formal agreement to provide affordable, high-quality information technology workshops to IU alumni and other external organizations.

John Beeson
The UITS IT Training & Education group has provided instructional workshops on cutting-edge software and technologies to students and staff at IU Bloomington and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) for many years. Through the agreement, UITS will open its workshops to IU alumni and organizations brought in by the School of Continuing Studies and the Alumni Association.
"The School of Continuing Studies is excited to be able to expand services to a larger and more diverse group of people," said John Beeson, SCS executive director of external relations. "This partnership will help us to fulfill our professional development mission of helping people enhance their personal and professional lives."
IU alumni and members of other organizations can attend IT workshops on either the Bloomington or IUPUI campus. In addition, alumni and their organizations can work with UITS to bring training to off-campus locations.

Chris Payne
"Indiana University has a strong outreach mission intended to support the people of Indiana, and by making our workshops and other training resources more visible and available to the public, we are supporting that very important mission," said Chris Payne, manager of UITS IT Training & Education. "We also believe that in these challenging economic times, there are many people who will benefit from the opportunity to grow their information technology skills and, in turn, improve their employment prospects. Our passion is to serve everyone who comes to our workshops and uses our services, regardless of skill level or learning needs. We are excited about this partnership and the new service opportunities it brings."
The idea for the partnership and expansion of services resulted from an alumni survey in which many IU alumni indicated a desire to participate in more continuing education activities.

Mark Skirvin
"The IU Alumni Association is always seeking different ways to engage alumni and to offer them valuable services that enhance both their personal and professional lives after leaving the institution," said Mark Skirvin, senior director of outreach programs for the IU Alumni Association. "The computer training courses offered through UITS are a perfect example of how IUAA, in conjunction with the university, can provide ongoing opportunities for alumni to continue their education. We are pleased to offer these courses and value our long-standing partnership with the School of Continuing Studies and UITS."
For a complete list of available workshops, locations, and times, visit
For more information, contact John Beeson (SCS) at 812-855-8995 and; Julie Wernert (UITS) at 812-856-5517 and; and Mark Skirvin (IUAA) at 812-855-4339 and