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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Media Contacts

Chuck Carney
IU School of Education
(812) 856-8027

Last modified: Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Media Advisory: recording of "Education Issues for Indiana 2010"

Oct. 6, 2010

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- On Tuesday, Oct. 12, the Indiana University School of Education will record an education television program before a live audience of the Bloomington Rotary Club at the Indiana Memorial Union's Alumni Hall on the IU Bloomington campus.

Education Issues for Indiana

The program, titled "Education Issues for Indiana 2010," is a timely discussion of the most pressing issues facing students, parents, and educators in the Hoosier state, particularly heading into statewide referenda votes and the Indiana General Assembly's upcoming session. It will feature the perspectives of a teacher, administrator, business leader, education policy researcher, and dean of the state's largest school of education.

The moderated discussion will touch on the issues voters must consider, what innovation business leaders hope for, how Indiana's schools compare nationally, what reforms teachers would like to see, and how new teachers should be prepared.

The program will air on WTIU-TV, Indiana University's PBS television station, on Oct. 29 at 9:30 p.m. and is being offered to PBS affiliates throughout Indiana. Media are welcome to cover the taping on Tuesday. The taping will run from noon to 1:30 p.m. Below are more details regarding the program and panelists.


  • Gerardo Gonzalez, dean, IU School of Education
  • Terry Thompson, superintendent, Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township
  • Terry Spradlin, associate director, Center for Evaluation and Education Policy
  • John Burnett, president of the Community Education Coalition, Columbus
  • Taji Gibson, English, ethnic literature teacher, Bloomington High School North


Chuck Carney, director of communications and media relations, IU School of Education


Indiana Memorial Union, Alumni Hall

Taping start time:

Noon on Oct. 12

Television air dates, web streaming:

WTIU, Oct. 29 at 9:30 p.m., other Indiana public broadcasting stations TBD; streaming of program made available at

Questions: contact Chuck Carney at, 812-856-8027.