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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Last modified: Wednesday, March 23, 2011

IU conference attracts national social media experts

March 23, 2011

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Beth Wood Chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America at Indiana University is hosting a PRSSA regional conference April 8-9 at the Kelley School of Business on the IU Bloomington campus.

Get Social

"Get Social: A Blueprint for Social Media Strategy" focuses on bringing together students and experts to learn how to communicate strategically and professionally using social media.

Chapter President Kristina Hunter emphasized the benefits of social media knowledge. "As our world becomes more global, social media is a cost-effective way to reach bigger audiences across the world," she said. "It creates a conversation in ways professionals and students haven't seen before, and if you know how to use social media strategically, business professionals and students will definitely benefit."

The conference will feature keynote speakers and professional development sessions, as well as a "Get Social Tweet-up" event on Friday evening at the Indiana Memorial Union and a networking and keynote dinner for registered attendees on Saturday evening at IU Memorial Stadium Hoosier Room.

Three keynote addresses, featuring nationally known public relations and social media experts, focus on strategic social media and the impact of social media on the career search.

  • Michael Herman, recipient of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Gold Anvil for Lifetime Career Achievement, has more than 40 years of experience and will keynote the networking dinner at Memorial Stadium with a focus on the changes occurring in society and ways to manage these changes using effective social media communication.
  • Jason Falls, an AdAge Power 150 Marketing blogger, nationally recognized as a social media strategist and owner of Social Media Explorer, will speak on how to approach social media strategically.
  • Jay Baer, once noted by Fast Company Magazine as one of the three leading social media advisers in America, will show how companies can succeed by being purposefully sociable.

In addition to the keynote sessions, eight other national and regional professionals will lead professional development sessions at the conference. Many Indianapolis communication companies -- including Exact Target, Slingshot SEO and MindFrame (formerly Brandswag) -- will host sessions at the conference. A complete list of speakers and sessions is available on the conference web site.

Regular registration is $25. Ticket sales are still being accepted through Friday (March 25). Attendees can sign up for just the daytime conference programs for free, but this option does not include entry to the Friday Tweet-up or Saturday networking and keynote dinner with Michael Herman.

To register and read more about the program, visit