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Last modified: Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Search for new IU Bloomington provost begins

April 10, 2012

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- A newly formed search committee will begin reviewing candidates for the position of executive vice president and provost of the Indiana University Bloomington campus, it was announced today.

Bernice Pescosolido, a Distinguished Professor of sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences, will chair the 13-member search committee appointed by IU President Michael A. McRobbie, which includes representatives from the IU Bloomington faculty, student body and staff. The search committee will conduct an internal search and make its recommendations to McRobbie.

Bernice Pescosolido

Bernice Pescosolido

Print-Quality Photo

"The new provost and executive vice president will play a critical role in ensuring the continued success of Indiana University's Bloomington campus," Pescosolido said. "I am confident that members of the search committee will be able to provide IU President McRobbie with a list of exceptional candidates who will be able to work closely with the president, faculty, students and staff to lead the campus to new academic heights."

The new provost will succeed Karen Hanson, who left the position Jan. 31 to accept a role as provost and senior vice president at the University of Minnesota. Hanson had been provost and executive vice president since 2007 and an IU faculty member since 1976.

IU Maurer School of Law Dean Lauren Robel has been serving as interim provost until a permanent successor is selected. No timetable has been set for the selection of the new provost.

Members of the search committee are:

  • Bernice Pescosolido, Distinguished Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences (chair)
  • Matt Auer, professor, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, and dean, Hutton Honors College
  • Carolyn Calloway-Thomas, professor, Department of Communication and Culture, College of Arts and Sciences
  • LaNita Campbell, graduate student and president, Graduate and Professional Student Organization
  • Fred Cate, Distinguished Professor and C. Ben Dutton Chair, Maurer School of Law
  • Patrick Courtney, undergraduate student and vice president, Indiana University Student Association
  • Linda Gales, Office of the Registrar and vice president, CWA Local 4730
  • Patrick Harbison, professor of music (jazz studies), Jacobs School of Music
  • Idalene Kesner, Frank P. Popoff Chair of Strategic Management, Kelley School of Business
  • Ellen Ketterson, Distinguished Professor, Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Terrence Mason, professor of curriculum studies, School of Education
  • Beth Plale, professor of computer science, School of Informatics and Computing
  • Grant Simpson, University Student Services and Systems senior analyst and president, Bloomington Professional Council

The provost and executive vice president is the chief academic officer for the Bloomington campus. The provost oversees academic and budgetary policy and priorities and ensures the quality of the faculty and student body by providing leadership in matters related to academic programs and policies, promotion and tenure, faculty recognition, research, university outreach, and student recruitment and retention. All of the deans and leaders of administrative units report to the provost.

To learn more about the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President, visit