Last modified: Friday, September 30, 2005
IU Voices in the News

Note: IU Voices in the News is a weekly review of news stories that draw upon faculty and university expertise and research. Prepared by the Office of Media Relations, this report is not all-inclusive and is representative of state and national news coverage IU faculty may have received. To subscribe to IU Voices in the News or to have your name removed, please contact George Vlahakis in IU Media Relations at
Education happy talk masks fact that too many aren't making the grade
Indianapolis Star, Sept. 25 -- Editorial about the state of Indiana education observed, "The IU study (by the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy)did find evidence to support state education officials' rosy outlook. Indiana has been able to boost the classroom performance of white and middle-income students. In other words, those who were the most likely to succeed are now doing even better. Yes, schools should celebrate students who are rising to meet higher expectations. The good news about education in Indiana needs to be told. But touting accomplishments must not be allowed to overshadow the necessary focus on the many students who are not keeping pace, not meeting standards and not graduating." Full story.
Parents crave tips for dealing with screamers
South Bend Tribune, Sept. 25 -- Here are some fantastic parenting tips from professor Kathy Ritchie, a developmental psychologist at Indiana University South Bend who specializes in "power bouts." A power bout is a deliberate struggle of wills that can include extended negotiation. Full story.
Save the children; Breaking the cycle of abuse
Indianapolis Star, Sept. 25 -- This is an opinion editorial features several writers, including IU's Cheryl L. Holmes, a professor in applied health science. "The headlines are heart-wrenching: 'Mom's boyfriend convicted of killing her 4-year-old son,' 'Cops: 'He lost it'; a baby lost her life,' 'Dad gets 8-year sentence for beating baby.' No disease or natural disaster kills more children under age 4 than child abuse and neglect, points out Prevent Child Abuse Indiana's Andrea Marshall. Some 3 million to 10 million children each year witness domestic violence, says Indiana University's Cheryl L. Holmes. How do we stem the tide of such abuse? Read on." Full story.
Achievement Gap; The Issue: Children of poverty continue to lag behind. Our View: Schools can't fix all problems
Evansville Courier and Press, Sept. 26 -- This editorial writes, "A group of Indiana University researchers (at the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy) has concluded that the school achievement gap that has long existed between the state's poor students and its better-off students remains today. The researchers, who based their work on test results, graduation rates and other factors, found that the achievement gap has narrowed only marginally since the late 1980s. The report urges education leaders, lawmakers and others to work on reducing and ending the gap." Full story.
Paying to play; In cyberspace, people get paid to begin other people's games
Ventura County Star and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Sept. 26 -- The latest answer to the question "What has the world come to?" is this: People are paying other people to play video games for them. "We have been in a period where, because of the strong underlying desire to have a refuge from daily life, people put up with boring work (within video games) to get to that fantasy," said Indiana University Professor Edward Castronova, who has a forthcoming book on video game economics. Full story.
No new tenant yet for mall
Johnson County Daily-Journal, Sept. 26 -- Discount retailers, such as Wal-Mart, have sought to fill anchor locations at malls across the United States. Best Buy also has expanded into anchor store locations lately, said Theresa Williams, director of the center for retailing at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. "It's more than 'Do we already have a store?'" Williams said. "They have to ask themselves, 'Is this a better space?'" Full story.
America must listen to world yet stay committed to values
Indianapolis Star, Sept. 26 -- In an op-ed, Lee Hamilton, director of the Center on Congress, writes, we have to recognize how our policies appear to others before we shape public diplomacy. To serve our interests abroad, we must not just speak at the world, but with the world as well." Full story.
Armed for war but unprepared for governing
Indianapolis Star, Sept. 26 -- In an op-ed, Sheila Kennedy, associate professor of law and public policy at the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs in Indianapolis, writes, "There's a lot of government work that needs to be protected against partisan political priorities -- and a lot of jobs that shouldn't be handed out to turkeys as spoils of war." Full story.
Will lessons learned from Katrina and Rita usher in a new ethic of global disaster response?
Disaster News Network, Sept. 27 -- With these economic disparities -- and there are enormous disparities -- there's an increasing strain on social fabric. The aftermath of these devastating disasters should be a wake-up call to examine the broad national and global trends making us vulnerable in the first place, said Professor Lloyd Kolbe, who focuses on these issues within Indiana University's public health program. "In the developing nations right now, the size of the adolescent population is unheralded in the species. And fully half of these adolescents are not employed and not in school. Our state department is taking some interest in that but not nearly the interest they should be taking," he said. Full story.
Assessing a wishlist for the justice system; Changes on Supreme Court could advance goals of Reagan-era document on constitution
Wall Street Journal, Sept. 27 -- John Roberts is poised to become the first alumnus of Ronald Reagan's Justice Department to sit on the Supreme Court, with the Senate likely to confirm him as chief justice this week. But will he use his new post to advance that era's blueprint for a conservative judiciary? In 1988, under Attorney General Edwin Meese III, the department's Office of Legal Policy issued a 199-page report titled "The Constitution in the Year 2000." Although Constitution 2000 claimed to be neutral, "it's clear where they think you should come out," says Dawn Johnsen, an Indiana University law professor and former Clinton Justice Department official who has studied the project. "If you take this one path it leads to heaven. And then there's this other path." Full story.
Freedom to read what you want; Library sponsors talk on controversial literature
Richmond Palladium-Item, Sept. 28 -- "Read banned books," said white block letters sprawling across matching T-shirts of Indiana University East librarians. "It's your freedom we're talking about." In observance of the American Library Association's Banned Books Week, Sept. 25-Oct. 1, faculty and students gathered outside IU East's library Monday to discuss banned texts. "Everyone should be exposed to as many point of views as possible," said Sue McFadden, co-director of the library. "I think having all ideas out there as options is very important." Full story.
Stores bringing new jobs to Clark; Veterans Parkway area is booming
Louisville Courier-Journal, Sept. 28 -- Over the next two months, more than 900 people will begin new jobs along Veterans Parkway in Clarksville -- strapping on red aprons at Target, selling lawn mowers at Lowe's and folding sweaters at Old Navy. Vince Thompson, an analyst with the Indiana Business Research Center at IU, said in the general-merchandise category are "pretty close to the bottom," compared with other sectors of the economy. He said, for example, that for every five new retail jobs, another job is created to provide services and products. That's well below the corresponding ratio for other businesses." Full story.
Shadow Dancing; 'India just wants to flirt, Pakistan wants a nikah.' Will the twain come together?
Outlook, Sept. 28 -- The million rupee question after the wildly anticipated meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Pervez Musharraf was: Has the peace process stalled? Sumit Ganguly, a professor at the Indiana University, was quoted in this story, saying that he wasn't "'confident that the peace process would continue at its present pace. Pointing out that Kashmir is still the 'central stumbling block', he said, 'Musharraf seems obsessed about the subject and Manmohan has made it clear that he will neither countenance territorial compromise nor brook Pakistan's support for various insurgent groups in Kashmir.'" Full story.
Balancing exercises may steady older adults
Reuters Health,,,,, Sept. 29 -- Performing exercises that focus on balance may help older adults stand more firmly on their feet, according to a new study. Researchers found that a series of at-home exercises improved balance among the 55- to 60-year-olds they studied. Specifically, the exercises increased the speed of their sway patterns, which may steady their stance. Key quote: "Everybody can do it," said Indiana University kinesiology Professor David Koceja, "which is the point." Full story 1. Full story 2. Full story 3. Full story 4. Full story 5.
Germany honors Pressler
Bloomington Herald-Times, Sept. 29 -- Menahem Pressler, distinguished professor of music at Indiana University, has been awarded the German president's Deutsche Bundesverdienstkreuz, or Cross of Merit, First Class. The pianist was born in Germany but fled the Nazis and went to Israel in 1938. His award comes on the heels of another high distinction: France's Commandeur in the Order of Arts and Letters Award, which he was awarded on Sept. 17. Full story.
Doctor there for his patients -- heart, body and soul
Indianapolis Star, Sept. 29 - In the last week of Earle Peachin's life, as he lay dying at home of a rare blood cancer, Dr. Rafat Abonour stopped by twice to see his patient. "I said, 'Dr. Abonour, you don't have to do that,' " Peachin's widow, Marilyn, recalled. She knew the doctor worked long hours at the Indiana University Cancer Center and had a family. Such concern is admirable by any standard, but Abonour will take his dedication to patients and his determination to find a cure for multiple myeloma to a new threshold this weekend. The associate professor, 46, will run and bike 120 miles over the two days, from Indianapolis to Fort Wayne, to raise money for research. His fan club -- patients, families and friends -- already has pledged $78,000, far surpassing the $25,000 goal.Key quote: "For a doctor to put his body through this kind of exercise for his patients, that is quite a feat," marveled Thomas N. Scheer, 71, Huntington, one of the cities the doctor will visit Sunday. Full story.
Tragedy leaves questions
Indianapolis Star, Sept. 29 - The warning signs were bright as neon, law enforcement officials and psychologists agree: David W. Brown, a 44-year-old Far-Southside resident who was undergoing a painful divorce, was becoming a menace to himself and his family. The case brings to mind a biblical question: Am I my brother's keeper? Key quote, "Can you call the police?" said Steve Russell, associate professor of criminal justice at Indiana University and a former judge in Texas. "Yes. Will the police do anything? No. The police probably won't do anything beyond taking a report." Russell says the U.S. Constitution is right to keep the government from snooping on private lives. The problem is not legal, but social and moral, he believes. Full story.
Hoeppner breathing life into Indiana football team, Sept. 29 -- Things are finally taking a turn for the better for Indiana football. Senior linebacker John Pannozzo has witnessed first-hand the influence first-year Hoosier head coach Terry Hoeppner has already made in Bloomington. Key quote: "Just the attitude and the enthusiasm he's bringing to the Hoosier nation," Pannozzo said. "When I say that, I mean the town, the team, the student body. He's just trying to get everybody involved in IU football." Pannozzo's excitement is shared by many in the Hoosier state. Indiana's 3-0 start to the 2005 campaign is its best since 1994, and Hoeppner has brought the winning attitude his teams at Miami of Ohio had, to Bloomington. Full story.
Camm evidence challenged: Bloodstains target of defense motion
Louisville Courier-Journal, Sept. 30 -- Lawyers for David Camm have taken aim at the heart of the prosecutor's case, asking a judge to throw out the testimony of experts who said eight tiny bloodstains on Camm's T-shirt proved he was within four feet of his daughter Jill when she was shot to death five years ago. Alexander Tanford, a law professor at Indiana University at Bloomington, said the kind of challenge Camm's lawyers filed Tuesday has been widely used in recent years, since the U.S. Supreme Court defined how judges should handle challenges to the reliability of such scientific evidence. Full story.