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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Last modified: Wednesday, March 22, 2006

IU Trustees to hold open tuition forum

March 22, 2006

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Indiana University Board of Trustees will hold an open forum Wednesday (April 5) to hear student and public comment on proposed tuition and mandatory fee increases for some IU students for the 2006-07 academic year.

The forum will begin at 3 p.m. in the Dogwood Room of the Indiana Memorial Union on the Bloomington Campus. The hearing also will be broadcast to teleconference sites on each of IU's eight campuses and made available live on the Internet at

Individuals wishing to watch the proceedings or participate during the public comment section may do so from either the Dogwood Room or at the designated sites on each IU campus. Locations and details will be announced shortly. Arrangements also will be made to accept comments by e-mail.

The forum will focus on recommended tuition and fees for non-resident undergraduate students, and resident and non-resident graduate and professional students on all campuses. The board is scheduled to act on the recommendations during its business meeting Friday (April 7) at IU Southeast.

Tuition and fees for resident (Hoosier) undergraduate students were approved by the board last May as part of a two-year package. The combined tuition and fee rate for these students will increase by 4.9 percent for the 2006-07 year.

The incremental income generated by these proposed tuition and fee increases will be used to enhance and maintain the quality of the academic programs and student services supported by student fee income. The additional dollars will be used to attract and retain faculty, maintain course availability, and provide increased financial aid and fellowship support to students across all campuses.

To see the proposed increases for 2006-07 for each IU campus, go to the charts at this link: