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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Media Contacts

Nicole Roales
IU Media Relations

Last modified: Monday, July 17, 2006

July 28 Indiana University education seminar reminder

Registration deadline this week

The deadline is this week for registering for "Issues in Education," Indiana University's July 28 media seminar at IUPUI. Faculty experts will draw from their research and service as they discuss important issues of the day, and Gerardo Gonzalez, University Dean of the School of Education, will make a special announcement. The seminar's casual setting will allow for an easy exchange between reporters and faculty.

This link,, takes you to the registration form. Find a map with parking information and directions to the conference at this site: A rundown of the topics and presenters is below.

Please let us know by Friday if you plan to attend, especially if you're unable to send your registration information to us by the deadline. Please contact Nicole Roales, 812-856-3717 or, with this information or any questions. We hope to see you on July 28.

Topics and Bios

Welcome -- Khaula Murtadha is executive associate dean of the School of Education, overseeing school operations at IUPUI. She is an associate professor in educational leadership and policy studies. Her academic and professional work has focused extensively on multicultural issues in urban settings. Dean Murtadha's research interests include effective leadership in urban schools, and she is currently writing about African American women in city school reform efforts

Preventing substance abuse among adolescents -- Ruth Gassman is executive director of the Indiana Prevention Resource Center, which supports prevention professionals in Indiana through research, materials, consultation and technical assistance. The IPRC is best known for its annual survey of drug and alcohol use among adolescents, its tobacco retailer inspection program, and its coordinating role in statewide after-school prevention programs. Gassman's research and scholarship have focused on alcohol and drug health services, and her clinical experience includes serving as a therapist in a private psychiatric practice and as clinical supervisor of a hospital-based substance abuse program. She is also an associate professor in the Department of Applied Health Science at IU Bloomington and teaches a course titled "Drug Use in American Society."

Computers in schools: The integration of immersive virtual learning environments for K-16 learning -- Robert L. Appelman is a nationally recognized authority on digital production and technology education. Trained initially as a graphic designer, he continued into motion picture and television production, and produced award-winning titles in both of these mediums. As a clinical associate professor with the Instructional Systems Technology Department at IU, he has designed and delivered classes and workshops on multimedia production, message design, user interface design, creative pipeline management, and learning environment design. His current focus is on the integration of immersive virtual learning environments into teaching and training contexts which include the integration of games and simulations as both performance interventions in corporate contexts, and as rich immersive environments for K-16 learning. Appelman is director of the Virtual Xperience Lab (VX Lab) as his research focuses on game and simulation interaction analysis and learning potential of virtual environments.

School of Education special announcement -- Gerardo Gonzalez is University Dean of the School of Education. He is also a professor in educational leadership and policy studies, and counseling and educational psychology. He is the founder of the largest collegiate organization for the prevention of alcohol abuse in the country, BACCHUS. His research interests include alcohol and drug education, college prevention programs and multicultural counseling. He also is interested in higher education administration and assessment of institutional performance among top research universities.

Legislative update, full-day kindergarten, achievement gap and high school reform. What are the issues? -- Terry Spradlin is the associate director for education policy at the IU School of Education's Center for Evaluation and Education Policy in Bloomington. He serves as a manager for the center's policy-related projects, with an emphasis on P-16 projects. He regularly interacts with legislators and other educational leaders on behalf of the center.