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Sue Artmeier
Johnson Center on Entrepreneurship and Innovation

George Vlahakis
IU Media Relations

Last modified: Thursday, August 17, 2006

Course in starting life science and IT companies welcomes community participants

Aug. 17, 2006

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University is offering, for the second time, a unique class on how to start a high-tech business.

The three-hour course "X574: Entrepreneurship in Biomedical, Life Sciences and IT" is being presented this fall by the IU School of Medicine and the Johnson Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation in IU's Kelley School of Business. It has been designed as a pragmatic, fast-paced course in how to establish a high-tech business.

Teaching the course will be Donald F. Kuratko, the center's executive director and the Jack M. Gill Chair of Entrepreneurship; Robert C. McDonald, M.D., M.B.A., the center's clinical director of life sciences initiatives; and Gill, the founder and general partner of Vanguard Venture Partners of Houston.

Kuratko said the course will bring together teams that include people from the business community, scientists from the School of Medicine and Kelley M.B.A. students in order to create successful business plans. The course will be offered on Tuesday evenings at the IU Kelley School of Business Indianapolis. Enrollment will be limited to 25 students.

"This is a great opportunity to teach the fundamentals of entrepreneurship in parallel with forming feasibility and business plans," Kuratko said.

The teams' business plans will be presented at the final class to a group of venture capitalists and receive "real feedback" as to whether their research ideas could be funded. A similar course a couple of years ago fielded four new businesses in Indiana.

For more information about the course, call McDonald at 317-274-6491 or e-mail