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Nancy Webber
Communications, Office of the Dean of the Faculties

Last modified: Thursday, January 31, 2008

Gass, Gibson and Murray named recipients of Summer Instructional Development Fellowships

Jan. 31, 2008

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- IU Bloomington faculty members Glenn Gass and John Gibson, both of the Jacobs School of Music, and Maresa Murray of the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation have each been awarded an $8,000 Summer Instructional Development Fellowship for 2008 through the Office of Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculties to develop specialized and innovative courses.

Gass, professor of music in general studies, will develop a new introductory course on singer/songwriter Bob Dylan with accompanying multimedia companion materials. The course will trace Dylan's fascinating career, now in its fifth decade, through his many incarnations and reinventions, from his early days as a folk-protest singer and pop icon to his current and still vital role as elder statesman and poet laureate of rock. The course will address Dylan's late-career renaissance as a reminder of his unique cultural role and of the enduring vision and influence of one of America's great artists.

More information on Gass can be found at

Gibson, assistant professor of composition and assistant director of the Center for Electronic and Computer Music, will develop an advanced course on computer music design and performance, to add as a sequel to the popular Introduction to MIDI and Computer Music. The focus of the course will be the design of fixed-media compositions -- music composed and rendered by the student for playback on digital media -- and the creation and performance of live electronic music.

Students will have a chance to compose music for video and to create visual images that respond in real time to live computer music. The course will encourage students to investigate the aesthetic issues surrounding these important modes of music-making, while they deepen their understanding of technical concepts and obtain additional software and hardware training.

More information on Gibson can be found at

Murray, assistant professor of human development and family studies in the Department of Applied Health Science, will expand the existing pilot research project titled "Media Usage as a Pedagogical Strategy for Building Classroom Resiliency among Ethnic Minority Professors."

Maresa J. Murray

Maresa J. Murray

This instructional research project examines the perceptions and negotiations of ethnic minority professors in university classrooms, including strategies used to 1) facilitate pedagogical excellence, 2) manage and respond to student evaluations used for promotion and tenure assessment, and 3) maintain professional dignity and personal decorum in the face of potential ethnic/racial conflict.

Across university disciplines, participating ethnic minority professors will engage in a series of classroom media interventions and focus groups to implement supportive pedagogical techniques aimed at facilitating higher levels of academic achievement. Early results from the pilot project indicated increased levels of student and professorial satisfaction with the media intervention, with strong indications that it increased student understanding of class material, as well as increased professorial pedagogical confidence.

More information on Murray can be found at

Small colloquiums for faculty to talk about the recipient's instructional philosophy and the results of the projects will occur later in the next academic year. Summer Instructional Development Fellowships are awarded each year after a rigorous review of the new course descriptions, rationale, resources, assessment methodology, dissemination plans, department adoption and how individuals and courses are affected. For an application, go to or contact