Last modified: Thursday, April 16, 2009
Indiana University Army ROTC cadet receives national award
April 16, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- An Army ROTC cadet from Indiana University Bloomington was selected to join senior U.S. military leaders at a National Security Seminar in Lexington, Va.

Brandon Landes (right) shakes a 3-Star General's hand. An IU Bloomington student, Landes earned the opportunity to participate in the George C. Marshall ROTC Seminar.
Cadet Brandon Landes from Fort Wayne, Ind., earned the opportunity to participate in the George C. Marshall ROTC Seminar by being selected as the top Army ROTC cadet at Indiana University. While in Lexington, Landes will have the opportunity to directly interact with key military leaders -- including officials such as Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey and Secretary of the Army Pete Geren -- and to discuss a variety of issues directly bearing on national security.
"Cadet Brandon Landes is a stellar leader who perennially demonstrates his remarkable performance as the Cadet Battalion Commander, as a student, and while at the U.S. Army Cadet Command Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) in 2008," said Lt. Col. Eric D. Arnold, professor of military science at IU Bloomington. "A student in the prestigious Kelley School of Business, Brandon has made the Dean's List six straight semesters. While a cadet, he earned both the Airborne badge and Air Assault badge. He ranked 106 out of 4,500 on the U.S. Army Accessions Command national order of merit list. He is the model scholar, athlete and leader."
Landes is scheduled to be commissioned on Aug. 14, which is when he will begin duties as an Army lieutenant.
The seminar began yesterday (April 15) and will continue through Friday. In roundtable discussions led by internationally recognized experts, the cadets will explore the implications of recent world events in the Middle East, the Far East, Africa and Israel. Methods of countering global terrorism and increasing Homeland Security also will be addressed.
"I'm deeply honored to be selected from among all of the seniors in the Army ROTC program here to represent my school," Landes said. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I'm sure that it will give me insights that I can put to immediate use when I become a lieutenant in a few months."
The Marshall ROTC Seminar is in its 32nd year. It was named in honor of George C. Marshall, who served as Army Chief of Staff during World War II. Subsequent to concluding his military career, Marshall served as Secretary of State and later as Secretary of Defense during the Truman Administration. His vigorous efforts to help the economies of Europe recover from the ravages of World War II earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953.
The Marshall Award is given annually to the top cadet from each of the 273 Army ROTC units around the country. It is presented during a three-day seminar in Lexington.
The event comprises the largest annual gathering of those about to be commissioned through the Army ROTC program. Within weeks of participating in this event, most of these young men and women will commence duties as junior officer-leaders in America's Army.