Last modified: Monday, May 18, 2009
Online ballots available to IU alumni for voting in trustee election
May 18, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Online ballots for the election of an alumni representative to the 2009 Indiana University Board of Trustees are currently available to Indiana University alumni. Complete information about the election, including the online ballot and profiles of the 2009 candidates, may be found on the Trustee Election Web site at:

This is the second year that online voting has been available to IU alumni, and those alumni who have registered to vote online no longer receive paper ballots in the U.S. mail. Paper ballots will be mailed to remaining IU graduates in May and to new graduates in late May. Beginning in 2010, paper ballots will be mailed only by request.
In accordance with state law, the annual trustee election is conducted by the Dean of University Libraries on the Bloomington campus, with assistance from the IU Alumni Association. Ballots are counted on Election Day, June 30, beginning at 9 a.m. The voting is open until all ballots are cast, but alumni who intend to cast online ballots are urged do so by 9 a.m.
IU alumni elect three of the nine members of the IU Board of Trustees. Trustees selected by alumni serve a three-year term. The governor appoints the remaining trustees.
For the purposes of the election, persons who have been awarded a degree -- including an associate's degree -- by the trustees of the university as recommended by the faculty are eligible to vote.