Last modified: Monday, November 2, 2009
Former NRA president will speak Tuesday at IU Maurer School of Law
Nov. 2, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Sandra "Sandy" Froman, a former two-term president of the National Rifle Association, will visit the Indiana University Maurer School of Law on Tuesday (Nov. 3) to discuss the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to review McDonald v. Chicago, a case that could have a widespread effect on state and local gun laws.

Sandra Froman
On Sept. 30, 2009, the Supreme Court decided to grant certiorari for review of McDonald v. Chicago, also known as the "Chicago gun case." The case deals with the question of whether the Second Amendment applies to state and local gun laws. Petitioners in the case are challenging the constitutionality of Chicago's handgun ban and registration regulations affecting shotgun and rifle ownership.
McDonald is the first lawsuit on gun rights after the Court's 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which affirmed the Second Amendment right of citizens to bear arms. Heller rendered the gun ban in Washington, D.C. -- a federal enclave -- unconstitutional, but did not affect states or local municipalities.
Tuesday's event is being sponsored by the Federalist Society Students Chapter at the Law School and offers an opportunity to the public to hear from one of the nation's foremost gun rights experts.
"The underlying issue is one of federalism: should the states be allowed to make their own rules or should a federal constitutional amendment, as interpreted by the highest federal court, preclude all states from abridging the civil right to bear arms?" said Armen Boyajian, a third-year law student and chapter president of the Federalist Society. "There is great debate and disagreement even between our chapter members. We are excited that Ms. Froman is traveling all the way out here to present a valuable perspective and we welcome our professors, students and community members to bring their tough questions."
Froman served two terms as president of the NRA, between April 2005 and April 2007. She is still a member of the NRA Board of Directors, where she has served since 1992, and is a lifetime appointee on the NRA Executive Council. She earned a B.A. with distinction in economics from Stanford University in 1971 and a J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1974. She has also served as a partner in three different law firms, including her own, and taught law. Froman sits on the boards of law schools at both the University of Arizona and George Mason University. She was the first Jewish and second female president in the NRA's history.
Tuesday's event will begin at noon in room 122 at the IU Maurer School of Law and run until 1 p.m. Froman will talk for 30 minutes and will then host an extended question-and-answer period. Seating will be limited. Froman will be available for interviews with the media beginning at 11:40 a.m. Media interested in speaking with Froman should contact James Boyd at 812-856-1497 or