Last modified: Monday, February 8, 2010
College of Arts and Sciences offers summer course for teachers
Feb. 8, 2010
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Indiana University College of Arts and Sciences is offering five STEM classes this summer specifically designed for the needs of K-12 teachers. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; improving STEM education at all levels has been named a priority by President Barack Obama.
"The importance of keeping up to date in the different scientific fields has never been more urgent for teachers," said Catherine Pilachowski, professor of astronomy and associate dean for graduate education.

Trudy McConnell, coordinator for undergraduate science research programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, chats with Rob Spencer at the Hoosier Association of Science Teachers Inc. (HASTI) convention in Indianapolis on Feb. 4. Spencer, who holds a degree in physics from IU, teaches at West Lafayette Junior/Senior High School.
The courses in the group offered by the College of Arts and Sciences this summer carry graduate credit that can be used as Certification Renewal Units towards licensure renewal, applied toward certification for IU's Advanced College Project (ACP) or applied toward the completion of a Master of Arts for Teachers degree at IU.
Courses primarily are offered on the Bloomington campus or at the Geology Field Station, but the Number Theory course is also available through an interactive synchronous distance learning option at the nine Education Service Centers located throughout Indiana, and through a personal computer. Course schedules have been arranged to accommodate teachers' summer schedules.
The Summer STEM for Teachers initiative joins the recently established joint degree programs in mathematics and chemistry in the College's growing area of opportunities for current and future math and science teachers.
Teachers who are in-state residents may register for courses at the graduate rate of $291.97 per credit hour, plus fees. Nonresident rates are higher. The fee schedule is available through the Bursar's Office.
Costs are higher for Field Geology because the class is held on-site at the Judson Mead Geologic Field Station in Montana. However, in-state and out-of-state students pay the same rate for this class.