Last modified: Monday, February 8, 2010
2010 Census road tour to stop at IU
Feb. 8, 2010
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The 2010 Census Portrait of America Road Tour regional bus will make a stop at Indiana University's Bloomington campus tomorrow (Feb. 9), 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Indiana Memorial Union Building's Alumni Hall.

Photo by U.S. Census Bureau, Public Information Office
2010 Census Portrait of America Road Tour
By law, all IU students are required to fill out the 2010 Census form in Bloomington. The road tour allows students to visit the bus in between classes to ask census officials any questions they may have about the census. The 2010 Census Road Tour bus staff will explain the census and how it affects local communities, and provide sample census forms and explanations of census questions. Students even can share their personal stories about why the census is important to them at interactive kiosks and exhibits.
The 2010 Census Portrait of America Road Tour set out Jan. 4 from New York City's Times Square, launching a cross-country interactive experience designed to increase awareness and encourage participation in the nation's once-a-decade population count. Thirteen regional buses are part of the Road Tour fleet. The Portrait of America Road Tour was designed to minimize its impact on the environment, with its 223 metric ton carbon footprint being offset through carbon credit donations by
During the next four months, the tour will be part of the largest civic outreach and awareness campaign in U.S. history -- stopping and exhibiting at more than 800 events nationwide. From local parades and festivals to major sporting events like the Super Bowl and NCAA Final Four, the Census Bureau will attempt to motivate America's growing and increasingly diverse population to complete and mail back 10-question census forms when they arrive in mailboxes, March 15-17.