Last modified: Tuesday, May 18, 2010
New edition of 'Fiscal Administration' addresses timely topics
May 18, 2010
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Coming on the heels of the greatest economic disaster since the Great Depression, the recently published Fiscal Administration: Analysis and Applications for the Public Sector, 8th edition, is particularly timely and should reach an even wider audience than previous editions.
Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs Chancellor's Professor John L. Mikesell is the author of Fiscal Administration (Cengage Learning, 2010), one of the premier graduate textbooks in the field of public budgeting and financial administration.
"The federal government entered the recession woefully unprepared because of many years of budgetary mismanagement and an unwillingness to take actions necessary for fiscal sustainability," Mikesell said. "This textbook may be written as much for public administrators as it is for public affairs students."
The updated textbook analyzes President Obama's federal budget and includes the most recent tax and fiscal data available. Fiscal Administration also provides extensive coverage of the federal budget-making process as well as federal tax reform proposals and the deliberations of Obama's tax reform panel.
According to University of Chicago Professor Rowan Miranda, Fiscal Administration is "the best textbook in the market for graduate courses in public budgeting/financial management."
Mikesell, an authority on the revenue side of public finance, said the textbook will help students understand where money for public budgets comes from and teach them to "run the numbers." The book gives detailed instruction on complex issues and calculations with real-world contemporary case studies that provide context to key finance and budgetary topics.
"The case studies should encourage student analysis and debate about fiscal applications in the public sector and generally help students learn how government finance works," Mikesell said.