Last modified: Tuesday, June 22, 2010
IU Art Museum exhibition space named Judi and Milt Stewart Hexagon Gallery
June 22, 2010
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie has named the IU Art Museum Hexagon Gallery in honor of Judi and Milt Stewart, philanthropists and supporters of the arts at the university.
McRobbie named the gallery In recognition of the Stewarts' "longtime and distinguished service to the arts and the IU Art Museum, and their generous philanthropic support of Indiana University." Among other gifts, the Stewarts have made a commitment of $1 million to the Art Museum through the IU Foundation.
"At the heart of every philanthropic act are people who choose to make a positive difference in other people's lives," McRobbie said. "Judi and Milt have made that choice. We are delighted to have their names grace the entrance of this hall, now known as the Judi and Milt Stewart Hexagon Gallery."
The gallery is dedicated to small, gemlike exhibitions ranging from rare works on paper to intimate examples of ancient jewelry, and particularly to collaborative thematic shows that reflect the museum's commitment to IU students, said IU Art Museum Director Heidi Gealt.
Alumnus Milt Stewart credits student scholarships from the IU Foundation for helping him to complete both undergraduate and law degrees at Indiana University. He serves on the Board of Advisors of the Art Museum, on the Board of Visitors of the Maurer School of Law and on the Board of Directors of the IU Foundation.
Although not an alumna, Judi Stewart is deeply involved with the university through philanthropy and through her leadership in women's philanthropic initiatives. She is a founding member of the Women's Philanthropy Council and co-chair of the IU Foundation's Colloquium for Women of Indiana University. She also serves on the advisory board of the Art Museum.
"Because of the generosity of others, I had an opportunity to better myself. Now I have the opportunity to pay forward what I received," said Milt Stewart. "To have Judi's and my name associated in this way with IU and its art museum is an incredible honor."

Helen Frankenthaler, "Tales of Gengi V" from the Tales of Gengi, 1998
A previous gift from the Stewarts to the IU Art Museum enabled it to acquire what Gealt describes as a "major work by Helen Frankenthaler," which is currently on display in the Gallery in an exhibition titled "The Art of Giving."
"Milt and Judi Stewart are visionary friends and fully engaged IU Art Museum board members who are helping us to enrich the cultural experience of our students and stimulate our faculty for generations to come," said Gealt. "Truly, their actions demonstrate the art of giving."
About the IU Art Museum
The IU Art Museum's mission is to preserve, exhibit, collect, research, publish, and interpret original works of art to advance the academic goals of Indiana University and to enrich the cultural lives and spiritual well-being of society. For more information, call 812-855-5445 or go to: