Last modified: Tuesday, October 19, 2010
John and Linda Beeson donation creates scholarship opportunity for Ivy Tech graduates
Oct. 19, 2010
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Alumni of Ivy Tech Community College soon will have a new funding source to help them earn a Bachelor of General Studies from the Indiana University School of Continuing Studies.
The John P. and Linda A. Beeson Ivy Tech Community College/Indiana University School of Continuing Studies Scholarship was created specifically to assist Ivy Tech students in taking the next step with their education.

John and Linda Beeson
The scholarship was established through a donation from John Beeson, executive director of external relations for the IU School of Continuing Studies, and his wife, Linda, who retired recently after working 25 years in the IU School of Medicine and also having taught at Ivy Tech and the Indiana Business College. The Beesons, who met when they both worked at Ivy Tech, are strong advocates for occupational and vocational education.
"Our goal is to help remove the financial barrier that often keeps students from pursuing their educational goals," John said. "Having worked for both Ivy Tech and Indiana University, Linda and I believe that the IU general studies degree is a perfect fit for Ivy Tech associate degree holders, and we want to help."
The initial scholarships will be awarded for fall semester 2011, and they are available to any Ivy Tech graduate. To qualify, students must:
- hold an associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College.
- have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above on a 4.0 scale.
- have applied for admission to the Bachelor of General Studies Degree program at any Indiana University campus or through the school's distance education program.
- be a citizen or legal resident of the state of Indiana.
- have demonstrated financial need.
IU employees and their relatives are not eligible for this scholarship.
For more information about this scholarship, including application procedures, visit, e-mail Marlene Gardner at, or call 800-334-1011.