Last modified: Monday, October 18, 2010
Five recipients honored as IU Foundation Partners in Philanthropy
Oct. 18, 2010
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Recognizing the key role played by volunteer leaders in service and philanthropy, the Indiana University Foundation recently honored five individuals as outstanding Partners in Philanthropy for the university.
The awards pay tribute to the vital contribution of volunteers in the success of philanthropic endeavors for IU, especially at the highest levels of service.

Left to right, Partners in Philanthropy Jerry and Dorene Hammes, P.A. Mack and Elinor and Vincent Ostrom.
The awards were presented by Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie, who said the university is grateful to the recipients for their long-standing dedication to the university.
"They are providing leadership that enables IU's schools and programs to advance towards the frontiers of research and education," McRobbie said. "Their steadfast commitment to IU has enabled us to maintain our strong academic programs, retain our best researchers, and build the facilities that our students and scholars need for 21st century education and research.
The Foundation presented three awards for outstanding volunteers and friends of IU: the Cornerstone, Keystone and Herman B Wells Visionary Awards.
According to Gene Tempel, president of the IU Foundation, "What I know is that volunteerism and volunteers are the heart of society. Those that center their lives on volunteering their time and talent are drawing from, and giving to, our collective good. People who demonstrate generosity and kindness, show us how to live lives of integrity, encourage us to care for our larger community which ultimately cares for us, and challenge us to reach higher for our own personal growth and self satisfaction.
"These five people know the secret -- that real power is found in altruism. The personal success stories of the Hammeses, P.A. Mack, and the Ostroms are inspiring and heartwarming, showing us that their gift is in who they have chosen to be -- great givers of themselves. We are honored to pay homage to them."
Cornerstone Award
The Cornerstone Award was presented to Jerry and Dorene Hammes of South Bend. This award recognizes individuals who have been instrumental in the philanthropic success of a specific Indiana University campaign initiative for a campus, program or school.
Continuing their transformational work for IU South Bend from 2007, the Hammeses set their sights on making a difference through support of education at many levels with their time, service and resources. The couple provided thoughtful direction and sustained leadership in creation of a one-stop research service center for students, faculty and the community. Known as the Dorene Dwyer Hammes Media Commons and Cafe, the previous Schurz library space now brings together cutting edge technology and state of the art services to create an inviting and engaging learning community space already used to capacity by faculty and students alike.
Keystone Award
The Keystone Award recognizes those individuals who have shown exemplary leadership through multiple Indiana University campaigns for fundraising initiatives.
P.A. Mack is not only a strong supporter of IU, but he believes in the importance the university's educational mission. Mack has offered his time and talent in engagement across the university as a trustee and by serving on numerous advisory boards.
He also has funded a record-breaking number of endowed scholarships -- nine $50,000 endowed student scholarships -- for incoming freshmen at IU Bloomington in disciplines from athletics to music to business and public and environmental affairs, as well as one graduate fellowship at the Center on Philanthropy.
He and his late wife Marian promoted scholarship and teaching excellence by establishing an endowed award recognizing distinguished service to teaching and the Mack Center for Inquiry on Teaching and Learning.
Herman B Wells Visionary Award
The Herman B Wells Visionary Award recognizes those whose lifetime commitment to IU reveals a deep understanding of the power of philanthropy to shape the future of the institution and a determination to see that future realized.
Elinor and Vincent Ostrom received the Herman B Wells Visionary Award for their lifetime of philanthropic allegiance to and leadership for IU. The Ostroms live their lives and demonstrate their understanding that the greatest power in the world is servant leadership.
Having dedicated their lives to IU as mentors, scholars, activists, collaborators and philanthropists, the Ostroms demonstrate the truest characteristics of visionaries -- the ability to dream with foresight and intelligence while patiently guiding and empowering the next generation towards greatness, such as with their tireless lifetime efforts to secure support and resources for their Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis.
Elinor Ostrom was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2009.
For each award, the IU Foundation requested nominations from the university community -- chancellors, deans and development officers. From among many outstanding nominees, the honorees were selected by development representatives from multiple campuses.