Last modified: Friday, February 4, 2011
Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana University Foundation name new vice president of development
Feb. 4, 2011
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Christopher Ritrievi of Park City, Utah, has been named vice president of development for Indiana University Bloomington at the Indiana University Foundation. In the new position, Ritrievi, currently executive director of development for the arts at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, will be responsible for helping to create partnerships and collaboration with the centralized advancement and fundraising programs on the Bloomington campus.

Chris Ritrievi
Announcement of the appointment was made today by Karen Hanson, IU provost and executive vice president, and Marti K.S. Heil, senior vice president for development at the Indiana University Foundation.
"The experience and strategic vision that Chris brings to this position will be of great value in enhancing support for the work of our faculty, students and staff," Hanson said. "I look forward to working with him to connect alumni and friends of IU Bloomington with opportunities to help address the campus's most pressing academic challenges and priorities."
Ritrievi most recently led a $33 million campaign to support the College of Fine Arts in the University of Utah's comprehensive capital campaign. He also served as associate athletic director for external relations at the University of Utah and led a team responsible for generating all revenue for the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, including fundraising, marketing, ticketing and multi-media rights.
He has extensive campaign experience, and served on the leadership gifts staff at Princeton University as well as in development positions for intercollegiate athletics at the University of Pennsylvania, Michigan State University, and Stanford University.
"We are pleased to welcome such a seasoned development professional to the Indiana University Foundation staff," Heil said of Ritrievi's appointment. "His exceptionally broad background in a variety of educational environments and his experience as a hands-on campaign leader will serve him well in his collaborative work with Bloomington campus deans, program directors, and advancement staff."
Ritrievi was selected for the new position after a nationwide search by Indiana University. Lauren Robel, dean of the IU Maurer School of Law, led the screening committee.
"This appointment is especially significant for the Bloomington campus because Chris will play a crucial role in our next capital campaign," Robel said. "We anticipate that he will work closely with the provost's office and the Bloomington deans and development officers to generate the private support necessary to maintain our excellence as one of the country's premier research and teaching universities."
A graduate of Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts in economics, Ritrievi earned his master's degree in business administration at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. He will assume his new position on Feb. 28.