Last modified: Tuesday, April 5, 2011
V-Day IU presents a benefit performance of 'Any One of Us: Words from Prison'
WHAT: A V-Day Event: Any One Of Us: Words From Prison raising funds for the John P. Craine House in Indianapolis
WHEN: April 8 (Friday) and April 9 (Saturday) at 7 p.m.
WHERE: School of Fine Arts, room 015
ADMISSION: $4 students; $6 public at the door.
April 5, 2011
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- A groundbreaking collection of monologues, Any One Of Us: Words From Prison, will be presented at Indiana University this weekend, April 8 (Friday) and April 9 (Saturday), at 7 p.m. in School of Fine Arts 015.
Any One Of Us is written by more than 50 incarcerated or formerly incarcerated women in the U.S., revealing the connection between women in prison, and the violence that often brings them there, with honesty and sincerity. The event is sponsored by three Indiana University groups, the Women's Student Association, Union Board and Rethinking Incarceration.

The piece is commissioned by the IU chapter of V-Day, a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls. V-Day raises funds and awareness through benefit productions of playwright/founder Eve Ensler's award winning-play The Vagina Monologues and other artistic works. Proceeds from ticket sales from the IU V-Day event will benefit the John P. Craine House, an alternative sentencing program for non-violent female offenders and their preschool age children.
Any One of Us premiered in 2006 at Until the Violence Stops: NYC, V-Day's two-week festival of theater, art and spoken word. The play was later performed in Miami and at Until the Violence Stops festivals in Northeast Ohio, Kentucky and Rhode Island. V-Day IU will join thousands of V-Day organizations throughout the world in premiering Any One Of Us: Words From Prison as a 2011 V-Day Campaign event.
Cast members are all IU undergraduate students: senior Shauna Burris (theater and drama, and telecommunications); junior Cari Morales (policy analysis); junior Virginia Castro (health care administration and business finance); senior Elizabeth McKinney (English, and theater and drama); and sophomore Megan Hrabak (vocal performance, and theatre and drama). The director is doctoral student Jeremy Gordon, from the Department of Communications and Culture. Junior Ronak Shah, studying conflict resolution and cognitive science, is assistant director, and stage manager is junior Erica Soster, who is studying human biology.

Photo by Erica Soster
The IU student actors who will appear in "Any One of Us: Words from Prison"
In 2010 more than 5,400 V-Day benefit events took place in the U.S. and around the world, educating millions of people about the reality of violence against women and girls.
To date the V-Day movement has raised more than $75 million and educated millions of people about the issue of violence against women and the efforts to end it. The organization has crafted international educational, media and public service announcement campaigns, launched the Karama Organization for Women and Children in the Middle East, reopened shelters and funded over 12,000 community-based anti-violence programs and safe houses in Democratic Republic Of Congo, Haiti, Kenya, South Dakota, Egypt and Iraq.
In 2001 V-Day was named one of Worth magazine's "100 Best Charities," in 2006 one of Marie Claire magazine's Top Ten Charities, and in 2010 was named as one of the top-rated organizations on Over the span of 12 years, the V-Day movement has reached more than 300 million people.
About the John P. Craine House
The John P. Craine House is one of six in existence in the U.S. and the only one in the Midwest. The organization's residential program allows women from within Marion County and surrounding counties to serve out their executed sentence with their children, in lieu of jail or prison. The program offers structure and guidance with individualized goals, offering an array of programs to better serve each woman's needs. Among the programs are classes in parenting, and health and nutrition, GED preparation, tutoring, substance abuse programs, employment resources and faith-based opportunities.