Last modified: Thursday, April 21, 2011
IU Foundation Green Team first at IU to receive Sapling certification
April 21, 2011
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Indiana University Foundation Green Team, the oldest of the 25 Green Teams at Indiana University, just earned the third of four levels of certification from the IU Office of Sustainability for its active efforts to improve the office environment.

The IU Foundation's Green Team includes Aliza Pain (front, left to right ), Kristin Varella, and Jenna Morrison. In the back row are Jenny Nolan (left), Philippa Guthrie, Brandon O'Leary,and Gary Hammond.
The IU Foundation's Green Team is the first to achieve the 'Sapling' certification from the Office of Sustainability through its Green Team Office Certification program. The team had previously earned the 'Seed' and 'Sprout' certifications.
"Indiana University Foundation had a Green Team before IU Bloomington had an Office of Sustainability," said Bill Brown, IU director of sustainability. "It is no surprise they were the first to achieve this level of certification. They have a large, active Green Team that provides an outstanding model for others to follow."
To earn the Sapling designation, the IU Foundation Green Team met 20 criteria in seven different areas: education and outreach, resource use, recycling, sustainable computing, energy and built environment, transportation, and food. Actions included regularly sharing 'green tips' with co-workers at office-wide meetings; incorporating green criteria into purchasing decisions; recycling rather than disposing of materials, appliances and furniture; encouraging de-activating of screen savers; controlling office temperatures to increase energy savings; publicizing a green transit day; and using green cleaning supplies.
These actions are in addition to the 37 undertaken to achieve the first two levels of certification.
"This was all possible because of the long-time participation of IU Foundation staff members and the commitment of management," said Aliza Pain, chair of the IU Foundation's Green Team. "We started with a recycling program in 2005; now we are excited to be helping the university lead the way in creating sustainable working environments."
"I am very proud of the initiative taken by IU Foundation employees, not only to create the first Green Team on this campus, but also to be the first to reach the Sapling certification," said Gene Tempel, president of the Indiana University Foundation. "We know how important this initiative is."
The Office of Sustainability started the certification program in August 2010 to provide clear steps for offices wanting to help make Indiana University a more sustainable institution. The seven categories align with the priorities of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE).
Indiana University Bloomington is a charter member of AASHE's Sustainabilty Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) and is certified at the Silver level. STARS is expected to become the standard campus sustainability assessment and reporting tool for American colleges and universities.