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Last modified: Monday, January 24, 2005

Kinesiology articulation agreement to be signed by IUB, Ivy Tech

NOTE: This story is one of several to be published this week in celebration of IU Life Sciences Week (Jan. 22-28).

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- A new articulation agreement between Indiana University Bloomington and Ivy Tech State College-Bloomington will provide a framework for the transfer of credits earned at Ivy Tech toward an IUB bachelor's degree in sport marketing and management, fitness specialist or exercise science. These three specialties are the most rapidly growing majors in IUB's Department of Kinesiology, a division of the Indiana University School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation.

These majors prepare students for job opportunities in the thriving professions of sport management, health and fitness. The exercise science major provides pre-professional training for life sciences-related careers in medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy and chiropractic medicine.

The articulation agreement allows Ivy Tech students more career options by following an Ivy Tech associate degree with an IU bachelor's degree. Like others signed between the two institutions, this agreement reflects the active spirit of cooperation between the two institutions. An increasing number of Ivy Tech students are taking advantage of transfering credits to IU.

"As we sign more of these articulation agreements, it's important to note the faculty from both institutions worked together to develop a curriculum that is both challenging for the student and rewarding for the state of Indiana," said Kenneth R.R. Gros Louis, interim senior vice president and chancellor of the IU Bloomington campus.

"I applaud the administration and faculty at both Ivy Tech State College-Bloomington and Indiana University Bloomington for concluding our third articulation agreement in just over a year," said John Whikehart, chancellor of Ivy Tech State College-Bloomington. "The two institutions, their students and Hoosier taxpayers are the clear beneficiaries of this collaboration. I am confident that the legislature will be pleased to see this productive relationship between the college and the university to facilitate seamless education for Indiana students."

Officials from both institutions will sign the agreement during a ceremony on Wednesday (Jan. 26) at 3 p.m. in the Main Lobby of the Ivy Tech-Bloomington campus. Students can learn more about these degrees and related careers at the Kinesiology Open House, hosted by both IU and Ivy Tech, at 7 p.m. that evening in the Student Commons on the Ivy Tech campus.

Ivy Tech-Bloomington is located 1.5 miles west of SR 37, on the corner of SR 48 West and Daniels Way. The School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation is on the IU Bloomington campus at 1025 E. Seventh Street.

This agreement, the third articulation agreement signed between the schools in 14 months, is one step in a continuing and comprehensive process by which the two institutions, as well as the Ivy Tech system as a whole, work to enhance educational resources and opportunities. The previous two agreements provide for the transfer of credits toward IUB bachelor of science degrees involving majors in general studies and biotechnology. To read the stories, go to for the general studies agreement, or to for the biotechnology agreement.