Last modified: Friday, November 9, 2012
IU student magazine receives Pacemaker Award; IU Student Media director enters Hall of Fame
Nov. 9, 2012
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Journalists at Indiana University's student publications received four national first-place awards, and Inside, its student magazine, received the prestigious Pacemaker Award from Associated Collegiate Press.
IU Student Media Director Ron Johnson also was inducted into the College Media Association's Hall of Fame. The honors were presented during the Fall National College Media Convention last weekend in Chicago.
Johnson was inducted into the John Boyd Hall of Fame for the College Media Association, the national organization of media advisors. A student media advisor since 1985, Johnson has served as College Media Association president and vice president.
Winning first place were students:
- Allison Tylek, in the display-advertising category for an ad for the IU School of Optometry's clinics.
- Biz Carson, in the informational graphic category, for a chart "Gotta Get Down on Friday," which appeared in Inside magazine.
- Sarah Thacker, in the Page One newspaper design category, for "Glory of Old IU," which appeared in the Indiana Daily Student.
- Kevin Golden, in the newspaper page/spread design category, for "A True Student of the Craft," which appeared in IDS Weekend.
The 2011 Arbutus yearbook also was a finalist for the Pacemaker.
IU journalists also placed in reporting, yearbook and cartooning categories, and IU won five awards in the Best of Show competition among publications at the national convention.
Johnson's long career began as a college journalist at Fort Hays State in Kansas, where he returned as advisor after receiving his bachelor's degree in 1981 and master's degree from the University of Kansas in 1982.
He came to IU in 2008, succeeding the late Dave Adams as IU director of student media. Adams had been the publications director at Fort Hays State when Johnson was a student.
At the College Media Association, Johnson has served many committees and positions, including the office of president in 1993-95. The organization credits him with launching the Society for News Design QuickCourses that are part of the association's conventions and its first website.
He was one of only two inductees for 2012. The award honors College Media Association members who have contributed to college journalism, have been role models and mentors to students, and have supported freedom of expression in student media.