Last modified: Tuesday, February 12, 2002
IU Bloomington to move Spring Commencement inside
Two ceremonies will be held in Assembly Hall
After 12 years in Memorial Stadium, Indiana University Bloomington's Spring Commencement ceremony is moving inside to Assembly Hall, where graduates and their guests will be protected from the elements, be it the blistering heat of the last two years or the sleet of 1996.
In making the move, Spring Commencement will go from one to two ceremonies, because Assembly Hall is not large enough to accommodate all graduates and their families at one sitting. About 34,000 people usually attend the May ceremony.
Commencement will be held May 4. The morning session will begin at 10 a.m. and will include graduates from the Kelley School of Business, the School of Education, the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, the School of Law, the School of Music and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Also participating in the morning session will be Ph.D. candidates in these fields who are receiving degrees from the University Graduate School.
The afternoon session will begin at 3:30 p.m. and will include graduates from the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Continuing Studies, the School of Informatics, the School of Journalism, the Division of Labor Studies, the School of Library and Information Science and the School of Optometry. Ph.D. candidates in these fields who are receiving degrees from the University Graduate School, as well as all master's degree candidates receiving degrees through the University Graduate School, also will participate in this session.
Another change will be instituted at the 2002 Commencement exercises. Doctoral candidates will be hooded at separate ceremonies. The University Graduate School will hold its hooding ceremony on May 3. Other schools, such as Law and Optometry, will continue to hold their own events, as has been done for several years. Further information will be available from the schools.
Information about all commencement activities will be mailed in mid-March to prospective degree candidates who have filled out application forms. All degree candidates must apply to graduate; students who fail to apply will not graduate.
Graduation applications are available in each school, usually in the Recorder's Office. Each school has its own procedures and deadlines, and some have posted applications online. The Web sites will be included in a Commencement FAQ posted at