Last modified: Monday, January 28, 2013
IU Kelley School professor Alan Dennis named an Association for Information Systems Fellow
Jan. 28, 2013
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Alan Dennis, professor of information systems and the John T. Chambers Chair of Internet Systems at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business, has received the Association for Information Systems' prestigious AIS Fellow Award.
The award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the information systems discipline in terms of research, teaching and service. An AIS Fellow is also expected to have made both significant global and local contributions to the discipline. It was established in 1999 as the information systems discipline's equivalent of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellows in the sciences.
Dennis is publisher of MIS Quarterly Executive and was senior editor of MIS Quarterly, two leading journals in his discipline. He also is a track chair at Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, which is one of the longest continuously running information systems conferences.
He is best known for his research on virtual teams but also has done research on business process improvement, knowledge management, professional issues facing academics, the use of the Internet to improve business and education and, more recently, neuro information systems.
"Alan Dennis is a highly productive researcher who has ranked among the top 10 in the world in overall MIS research and second in the world in collaboration technology research productivity. He has truly earned this honor and recognition by the Association for Information Systems," said Idalene Kesner, interim dean of the Kelley School and the Frank P. Popoff Chair of Strategic Management. "He is a distinguished scholar and teacher. Faculty members such as Alan Dennis make Kelley one of the best places to pursue business degrees focused on technology. As evidence of this, the 2013 U.S. News & World Report ranked the Kelley School's graduate information systems program and the school's undergraduate technology programs in the top 10 of all public universities."
"It is a great honor to be named an AIS Fellow," Dennis said. "It is wonderful to be in a career where you can pursue your passion, a career where you can find interesting puzzles and spend time doing research to solve them."
The author of about 150 research papers, Dennis has won numerous awards for theoretical and applied research, including honors from the Academy of Management and AIS Senior Scholars.
Over the past two decades, he has published 19 articles in MISQ and ISR, making him the third most productive information systems researcher, according to Viswanath Venkatesh's rankings for AIS.
Dennis has written four textbooks -- two on data communications and networking and two on systems analysis and design. He recently received the Distinguished IS Educator Award from the Association of Information Technology Professional's Education Special Interest Group for his efforts to improve information systems education.
He is co-founder of Courseload Inc., an e-textbook startup, whose vision is to make learning customizable and social and to change the business model by which textbooks are sold to dramatically cut their cost. More than 50 colleges and universities use the Courseload model and software.
"AIS Fellow awardees have distinguished themselves as role models to colleagues and students, and are highly esteemed for their high levels of professional and personal contribution to the field," said AIS President Doug Vogel. "Professor Dennis clearly demonstrates these qualities and we congratulate him on receiving this high honor."
The Association for Information Systems, founded in 1994, is a professional organization whose purpose is to serve as the premier global organization for academics specializing in information systems.