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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Media Contacts

Jamie Wensel
IU Student Foundation

Scott Siegel
IU Alumni Association

Last modified: Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Tickets on sale for President for a Day

For only $1, IU students can buy a chance to switch jobs with IU President Myles Brand on March 5. And they can even win a week's free parking in the bargain.

Tickets for the President for a Day event are now on sale at the IU Student Association offices in Room 387 of the Indiana Memorial Union and at IU Student Foundation offices at the Wilcox House on Fee Lane. Tickets also are available at the IU Alumni Association offices in the DeVault Alumni Center, 1000 E. 17th Street. IUSF representatives will be selling tickets from tables at the Indiana Memorial Union and at food courts in the residence halls. Tickets will be sold through Feb. 23.

The winner will be determined by random drawing. The event is co-sponsored by the Student Alumni Association, Student Foundation and IUSA. Proceeds will benefit the IU general scholarship fund.

"President For A Day provides a unique opportunity for President Brand to experience the daily routine of an IU student while giving a student the chance to interact with administrators, faculty and trustees. The Student Alumni Association is involved with President For A Day both to assist in the planning of this unique and exciting opportunity and to raise funds for scholarships," said Scott Siegel, director of student programs for the IU Alumni Association.

The student selected as President for a Day will meet with campus administrators and discuss university issues. Typically, the day also includes a behind-the scenes tour of a selected campus site.

The winner's prize package will include tickets to the Little 500 bicycle race and the opportunity to ride in the pace car for that race; the use of a coveted "A" parking sticker for a week; lunch for two at the Tudor Room; two tickets to next fall's Homecoming football game and a Homecoming t-shirt.

While the winning student is carrying out his or her administrative role on March 5, President Brand will attend the student's classes and participate in other aspects of the student's usual daily activities. A public reception will be held at the end of the day in the IMU. All are welcome to attend.