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Thursday, March 13, 2025

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James Tinney

Last modified: Thursday, February 14, 2002

IU to honor outstanding faculty, students on Founders Day

Indiana University will honor its outstanding faculty and students at its annual Founders Day ceremony on Sunday, March 3. The program will begin at 1 p.m. in Assembly Hall on the Bloomington campus.

Fourteen IU professors, three teaching associates and a part-time lecturer will be recognized for their outstanding teaching, research or service to the university. The award recipients teach on IU's Bloomington, Indianapolis, Fort Wayne and South Bend campuses.

Receiving the President's Award will be Paul D. Eisenberg, professor of philosophy at IU Bloomington.

The Frederic Bachman Lieber Memorial Award, the oldest of IU's teaching honors, will be presented to Catherine Larson, associate professor of Spanish and Portuguese at IU Bloomington. The Herman Frederic Lieber Memorial Award, also for outstanding teaching, will go to Richard B. Kohler, professor of medicine and of pathology and laboratory medicine at IUPUI.

The Frederic Bachman Lieber Award was established in 1954 by Katie D. Bachman in honor of her grandson. The Herman Frederic Lieber Award was originally sponsored by the IU Foundation and is now sponsored by Mrs. Herman Lieber of Indianapolis.

Robert V. Robinson, the Class of 1964 Chancellor's Professor of Sociology and chair of the IU Bloomington Department of Sociology, will receive the Sylvia E. Bowman Award. Bowman, a respected scholar and author, gave 34 years of service to IU as a professor, academic administrator, and chancellor for regional campus administration. The Bowman Award, established in 1994, honors exemplary faculty members in discipline areas related to American civilization.

Brenda E. Knowles, professor of business law at IUSB and director of the IUSB Honors Program, will receive the Wilbert Hites Mentoring Award. The award was established by Ronald A. Hites, Distinguished Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs at IU Bloomington, in honor of his late father. Hites Award recipients must display outstanding mentoring qualities that provide students or colleagues with the academic support, advice and encouragement needed to establish their own career and educational goals.

The W. George Pinnell Award for Outstanding Service will be given to Richard A. Haak, professor of microbiology and immunology at IUPUI, and to Brenda L. Lyon, associate professor of nursing at IUPUI.

The University Faculty Council established the Pinnell Award in 1988, honoring the memory of the former executive vice president of the university who also served during his career as president of the IU Foundation and dean of IU's Kelley School of Business. Pinnell was known for his stewardship, leadership, initiative and service to the university, the state and the national government. The award recognizes faculty members or librarians who have shown exceptional breadth of involvement and depth of commitment in service to the university, their profession or the public.

Recipients of the John W. Ryan Award for Distinguished Contributions to International Programs and Studies will be Evangelos Coufoudakis, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and professor of political science at IPFW, and John J. Patrick, professor of education, director of the ERIC Clearinghouse in social studies and director of the Social Studies Development Center at IU Bloomington.

The Ryan Award was initiated in 1991 and named for the man who was president of IU from 1971 to 1987. Ryan, now president emeritus, was instrumental in fostering IU's commitment to excellence in international education. The award honors faculty members or librarians who have made exceptional contributions to the university's international programs and studies.

Joyce Splann Krothe, associate professor of nursing at IU Bloomington, will receive the Thomas Ehrlich Award for Excellence in Service Learning, which is presented annually to an IU professor at one of the eight campuses who has shown particular merit in service learning. The award is named after the man who served as IU's president from 1987 to 1994.

Four IU Bloomington professors will be elevated to the rank of Distinguished Professor: Paul Newman, professor of linguistics and director of the West African Languages Institute; Rudolf A. Raff, James H. Rudy Professor of Biology and director of the Indiana Molecular Biology Institute; James C. Riley, professor of history; and Richard Shiffrin, Luther Dana Waterman Professor of Psychology and director of the Cognitive Science Program.

Receiving the Lieber Memorial Teaching Associate Award will be Chris Harold Hokanson, teaching associate in English at IU Bloomington; Alena Amato Ruggerio, teaching associate in communication and culture at IU Bloomington; and Nina Bosch Namaste, teaching associate in Spanish and Portuguese at IU Bloomington. Established in 1961, the Lieber awards have been presented each year to outstanding teachers among the university's graduate students who combine their programs of advanced study with instructional employment in their schools and departments.

Maan M. Omran, part-time lecturer in mathematical sciences at IUPUI, will receive the Part-Time Teaching Award. This award, established in 1999, calls attention to the importance of part-time teaching and recognizes faculty who have demonstrated excellence.

Certificates for students who have earned academic honors will be distributed immediately following the March 3 ceremony at a reception at the Harry Gladstein Fieldhouse.