Last modified: Tuesday, February 26, 2002
IU Sonneborn Lecture on college success factors now available online
The factors that help determine college success for students are discussed in a lecture from Indiana University that is now available online.
IU Chancellor's Professor of Education George Kuh presented the Sonneborn Lecture last fall on the theme of "College Students Today: Why We Can't Leave Serendipity to Chance." Kuh, director of the National Survey of Student Engagement, focused on findings in the survey about what determines a college student's chances of educational success.
The 35-minute lecture can be heard at using RealPlayer 8 Basic. Overhead images from the lecture will be displayed on the browser at the appropriate points in the presentation.
In his talk, Kuh concluded that what and how much college students learn depends primarily on where, how and with whom they spend their time. Areas covered include improving the quality of undergraduate education, a national report card on higher education, a focus on the IU Bloomington campus, the disintegration of core curricula, and the National Survey of Student Engagement. Kuh said it is incumbent on universities to intentionally structure learning opportunities so students will acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to succeed during and after college.
The national survey was supported by a $3.3 million grant from the Pew Charitable Trusts to the IU School of Education and was co-sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.