Last modified: Wednesday, April 3, 2002
Ceremony planned for new book on Bloomington
A ceremony to celebrate the publication of Bloomington Past & Present, a new book on Bloomington published by Indiana University Press, is scheduled for Tuesday (April 9) at 3 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Showers Building, 401 N. Morton St.
IU President Myles Brand, IU Bloomington Chancellor Sharon Stephens Brehm, and Indiana University Press Director Peter-John Leone will present the book as a gift to the city to Bloomington Mayor John Fernandez.
The two authors of the book are James H. Madison, Thomas and Kathryn Miller Professor of History at IU, and IU Distinguished Professor of English Scott Russell Sanders. The late Will Counts, a former IU journalism professor, supplied many of the photographs for the book and was the photo editor. Madison, Sanders and Vivian Counts, Will's widow, will be present at the ceremony and available to sign books at the reception that will follow.
The book will go on sale on Wednesday (April 10). It is being published in memory of Will Counts and the late Herman B Wells, long-time IU president and chancellor.
Details on the book are available at