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Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Steve Heim
IU South Bend

Last modified: Friday, April 5, 2002

Reck named as chancellor at IU South Bend

Una Mae Reck, vice president for academic affairs at State University of New York at Fredonia, has been named chancellor of Indiana University South Bend. Reck's appointment was approved by the IU Trustees during their meeting in Richmond on Friday (April 5).

Reck will succeed Kenneth Perrin, who is retiring effective June 30.

"Dr. Reck has extensive experience in education at all levels and outstanding leadership skills," said IU President Myles Brand. "I would like to applaud the good work of the search committee. She is an excellent choice for IU and for the South Bend community."

"Dr. Reck's exemplary background as a faculty member, administrator and leader made her an ideal candidate for the chancellorship at IUSB," said Charlie Nelms, IU vice president for student development and diversity and chair of the search committee.

Nanci Yokom, search committee co-chair and director of dental education at IUSB, said, "It was apparent to us that her experience has prepared her very well for this job. She is coming with great skills. She is professional and personable, and she related very well to members of the faculty."

Reck has served as vice president for academic affairs at SUNY-Fredonia since July 1, 1998. In that position, she is the chief academic officer for the campus and serves as chief executive officer in the president's absence.

"I am excited by this opportunity and by the great potential I see at IU South Bend. It is a strong institution located in a vibrant community. Working together, we can accomplish great things," Reck said.

Before moving to SUNY-Fredonia, Reck was the dean of education at Kutztown (Pa.) University from 1991 to 1998. Previously, she had served as an administrator and professor in the Reich College of Education at Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C. Reck also has worked as an elementary school teacher and reading specialist.

She earned her Ed.D. degree in curriculum and teaching at University of North Carolina at Greensboro, her M.A. degree in reading from Federal City College in Washington, D.C., and a bachelor's degree in elementary education from District of Columbia Teachers College.