Last modified: Friday, July 7, 2006
Issues in Education
8:30 a.m. -- Registration and continental breakfast
9 a.m. -- Welcome: Khaula Murtadha
Khaula Murtadha is executive associate dean of the School of Education, overseeing school operations at IUPUI. She is an associate professor in educational leadership and policy studies. Her academic and professional work has focused extensively on multicultural issues in urban settings. Dean Murtadha's research interests include effective leadership in urban schools and she is currently writing about African American women in city school reform efforts.
9:15 a.m. -- Preventing substance abuse among adolescents
Ruth Gassman, executive director of the Indiana Prevention Resource Center in Bloomington, will discuss embargoed results of the 2006 survey of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use among adolescents. This information is embargoed until 12:01 a.m. Monday, July 31. Gassman also will share examples of how the data from this annual survey is being used to strengthen youth drug prevention and treatment programs at the community level. Gassman's research and scholarship have focused on alcohol and drug health services, and her clinical experience includes serving as a therapist in a private psychiatric practice and as clinical supervisor of a hospital-based substance abuse program. She is also an associate professor in the Department of Applied Health Science at IU Bloomington and teaches a course titled "Drug Use in American Society."
10:30 a.m. -- Break
10:45 a.m. -- Computers in schools: The integration of immersive virtual learning environments for K-16 learning
This presentation by Robert L. Appelman will focus on the integration of immersive virtual learning environments into teaching and training contexts which include the integration of games and simulations as both performance interventions in corporate contexts, and as rich immersive environments for K-16 learning. As a clinical associate professor with the Instructional Systems Technology Department at IU, he has designed and delivered classes and workshops on multimedia production, message design, user interface design, creative pipeline management and learning environment design.
12 p.m. -- Catered Lunch
1 p.m. -- School of Education announcement
Gerardo Gonzalez is University Dean of the School of Education. He will provide background and insight into a major IU education initiative that will be announced this summer.
1:30 p.m. -- The Center for Evaluation and Education Policy: Achievement gap and high school reform -- What are the issues?
Terry Spradlin will continue his discussion by looking at the achievement gap. He will provide the latest research regarding the progress toward closing the gap between wealthy and low-income students. He then will address high school reform, explaining the issues surrounding this topic and going over new policies and programs.
2:45 p.m. -- Break
3 p.m. -- CEEP: Legislative update and full-day kindergarten
Terry Spradlin will discuss important information regarding the upcoming legislative session and education policy issues. He also will explain what CEEP research says about the positive and negative aspects of full-day kindergarten. Spradlin is the associate director for education policy at the IU School of Education's Center for Evaluation and Education Policy in Bloomington. Spradlin also serves as a manager for the center's policy-related projects, with an emphasis on P-16 projects. He regularly interacts with legislators and other educational leaders on behalf of the center.
4:15 p.m. -- Closing remarks: Khaula Murtadha