Last modified: Monday, September 9, 2002
Public reading of Mozart's "Requiem" will commemorate victims of the 9/11 tragedy
Editors: Rehearsals for Wednesday's "Rolling Requiem" will be held throughout the School of Music on Monday and Tuesday. Media who are interested in coming for an advance story also may contact Richard Doty of the IU Office of Communications and Marketing at 812-855-0084 or
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Choral Department of the Indiana University School of Music is inviting members of the School of Music and the Bloomington music community to join in a public worldwide commemoration of Sept. 11 by singing in a reading of W.A. Mozart's Requiem.
This event is part of a worldwide commemoration of all those lost and those who helped others on Sept. 11, 2001. Performances of Mozart's Requiem will be held in every time zone, beginning at 8:46 a.m. EDT, the time of the first attack on the World Trade Center. Details about performances of the "Rolling Requiem" around the world are available on the Web at
The local effort will begin at 8:46 a.m. in Recital Hall in Merrill Hall on the IU Bloomington campus.
Singers wishing to participate should be in Recital Hall at 8:15 a.m. on Wednesday. The singing of the Requiem will begin at precisely 8:46 a.m. No music will be provided at the hall. Singers owning scores should bring their own music. Music students who do not own scores may check out scores from the Music Library beginning Tuesday (Sept. 10) as long as there are some available. Scores will not be available to check out on Wednesday.
Those who do not own or have access to scores may download or print from the Web a free public domain score at Acrobat Reader is required to download the score. At the Web site, do a search for "Mozart" and "Requiem" and the page will open. Each movement should be downloaded individually.
The Recital Hall balcony initially will be reserved for listeners, but priority will be given to those intending to sing. Several informal rehearsals for those wishing to learn the notes for the piece will be scheduled around the Music School during the course of the day on Monday and Tuesday. Call 812-855-9846 for more information.
Everyone is welcome to come and sing and join the IU School of Music in this historic, symbolic moment of worldwide unity and commemoration made possible through the miracle of great music.