Last modified: Wednesday, October 24, 2007
IU and Zayo Bandwidth to work together on I-Light
IU withdraws opposition to IFW acquisition
Oct. 24, 2007

INDIANAPOLIS -- Indiana University and Zayo Bandwidth announced that they have reached consensus on previously reported concerns regarding the acquisition of Indiana Fiber Works. As a result, IU has withdrawn its request to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to suspend the acquisition of IFW to Zayo.
"After further discussions with Zayo Bandwidth and upon additional internal review, we have decided to withdraw our filings with the IURC," explained Dave Jent, associate vice president of networks at IU. "We believe that Zayo's deep telecom experience, combined with their significant financial resources will translate into improved service for IU, and other institutions in the state, for years to come."
Bradley Wheeler, vice president for IT at IU adds, "We remain singularly focused on the rapid development of the I-Light network for Indiana. Zayo's ability to provide dark fiber as a strong partner will help us realize that vision for colleges and universities. Zayo's commitment to provide reliable services combined with its plans to invest in the network will be beneficial for all constituents."
Zayo will continue to support growth of the I-Light network, as a provider of dark fiber and other services, by connecting higher education institutions to the backbone. "We appreciate IU's willingness to support Zayo as we believe this acquisition will offer the university, state and local community added benefits for a long time to come," said John Scarano, co-founder of Zayo Bandwidth.
Zayo Bandwidth takes control of what is a robust, largely self-constructed fiber network that connects 21 of Indiana's top 25 cities (by population) including major markets such as Indianapolis, Gary, Ft. Wayne and South Bend with an additional connection to Cincinnati, Ohio. In total, the network has more than 2,200 route miles of fiber and 180 on-net buildings. It runs through 10 of the 13 major technology parks in the state and is less than one quarter of a mile away from hundreds of central offices and cellular sites. The network also connects to or is in very close proximity to a majority of universities throughout the state.
Zayo will leverage the network to provide transport services to enterprise, government and wholesale entities that have significant and growing demands for bandwidth. Zayo Bandwidth, a wholly owned subsidiary of Communications Infrastructure Investments (CII), LLC, was formed in December 2006. Five major investors -- each with deep telecommunications experience -- have funded the venture. In addition to IFW, Zayo Bandwidth recently completed two acquisitions: PPL Telcom, a 4,600 fiber-route-mile network based in Allentown, Penn. serving areas throughout the Northeast; and Memphis Networx, a 200 fiber-route-mile network serving the greater Memphis, Tenn., area.
About Indiana University
Indiana University is one of the oldest state universities in the Midwest and also one of the largest universities in the United States, with more than 110,000 students, faculty and staff on eight campuses. IU has a national reputation in the areas of information technology and advanced networking.
About Zayo Bandwidth
Based in Louisville, Colo., Zayo Bandwidth utilizes its regional fiber networks to provide bandwidth services to carriers, enterprises, state and government agencies and other bandwidth intensive organizations. Zayo Bandwidth's service offerings include private line, Ethernet, wavelength, Internet and colocation services. Zayo Bandwidth is backed by Columbia Capital, M/C Venture Partners, Oak Investment Partners, Battery Ventures and Centennial Ventures.