Last modified: Wednesday, February 20, 2008
IU Bloomington Health Programs Fair scheduled for February 27
Event brings representatives of over 100 medical schools, programs and organizations to campus
Feb. 20, 2008
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Students considering a career in health care can learn about far more than just the familiar roles of "doctor" and "nurse" at Indiana University Bloomington's Health Programs Fair on February 27 (Wednesday). The fair, scheduled from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Indiana Memorial Union Alumni Hall, will feature more than 100 health care representatives on hand to meet with students and answer questions about educational and career opportunities. Health care fields represented will range from athletic training and radiation therapy to cytotechnology and paramedic science. The fair is free and open to the general public.

A representative from the IU School of Medicine meets at the 2007 Health Programs Fair with a student interested in health care professions.
Typically more than 700 students turn out for the annual Health Programs Fair, and large crowds are expected again this year to talk to representatives of medical schools, academic programs and healthcare organizations from all over the country.
"Our office encourages students to consider all the career possibilities available to them, including the health fields that are not as well-known. Students should think carefully about their individual abilities and interests in making career decisions," said Rachel Tolen, assistant director of the IU Bloomington Health Professions and Prelaw Center.
At the Health Programs Fair student will learn what medical schools look for in an applicant, connect with volunteer agencies in the Bloomington area, or find out what it takes to become a physical therapist. The fair provides the opportunity for students to speak one-on-one with admissions representatives from medical schools and other health professions programs. Students can talk with representatives about program offerings and get information to help enhance their chances for admission.
Rewarding job opportunities continue to be found in the life sciences and health professions, from those that emphasize pure bench science to those that emphasize direct patient care. Some fields require just an undergraduate degree, while others may require extensive graduate-level study.
Representatives from IU academic departments will be on hand to discuss majors and courses that can help prepare students for medicine and other health fields.
Students interested in careers in some health professions need to obtain volunteer experience with community organizations in order to be competitive applicants. At the Health Programs Fair students can find information on health-related clubs, community organizations and volunteer opportunities in the Bloomington area.
Some of the universities and programs that will be represented at the fair this year include:
- Indiana University School of Medicine
- Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
- Medical College of Wisconsin
- Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Ohio State University College of Medicine
- Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine
- St. George's University School of Medicine
- University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
- University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
- University of Kentucky College of Medicine
- University of Louisville School of Medicine
- New York College of Podiatric Medicine
- Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine
- Rosalind Franklin University Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine
- Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine
- Indiana University School of Dentistry
- Marquette University School of Dentistry
- University of Kentucky College of Dentistry
- University of Louisville School of Dentistry
- Illinois College of Optometry
- Indiana University School of Optometry
- Butler University Physician Assistant Program
- Indiana University Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Programs
- University of Indianapolis School of Physical Therapy and School of Occupational Therapy
- Indiana University School of Medicine Health Professions Programs (Clinical Lab Sciences, Cytotechnology, Paramedic Science, Pathologist Assistant, Radiological Sciences, Radiation Therapy, Respiratory Therapy)
- Ivy Tech Community College School of Health Sciences
- Indiana University School of Social Work (Master of Social Work Program)
- Rush University (Occupational Therapy, Clinical Lab Sciences, and Nursing Programs)
Some of the fields students can explore include:
- Allopathic Medicine
- Athletic Training
- Biology
- Biomedical Sciences
- Chemistry
- Chiropractic
- Clinical Lab Science
- Cytotechnology
- Dental Hygiene
- Dentistry
- Dietetics
- Exercise Science
- Fitness Specialist
- Health Administration
- Health Information Administration
- Human Biology
- Human Development/Family Studies
- Medical Physics
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Optician/Optometric Technician
- Optometry
- Osteopathic Medicine
- Paramedic Science
- Pathologists' Assistant
- Physical Therapy
- Physician Assistant
- Podiatry
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Radiological Sciences
- Respiratory Therapy
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Speech and Hearing
The Health Programs Fair is sponsored by the Health Professions and Prelaw Center and co-sponsored by the IU Departments of Applied Health Science, Biology, Chemistry, Human Biology, Kinesiology, Nursing, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, and Speech and Hearing Sciences.
For more information, contact HPPLC at 855-1873, or visit the Web at