Last modified: Thursday, February 28, 2008
IU to participate in statewide severe weather preparedness campaign
Feb. 28, 2008

UPDATE: The statewide tornado drill scheduled for this morning (Wednesday, March 5) has been delayed until some time between 11:15-11:45 a.m. EST, in order to allow schools that have been delayed to take part in the drill. The drill scheduled for this evening will remain between 7:00-7:30 p.m. EST.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University communities are urged to participate in the March 2-8 severe weather preparedness campaign sponsored by the National Weather Service with cooperation from the Indiana State Department of Homeland Security, Indiana State Police, Indiana Department of Education, Indiana Department of Transportation, the American Red Cross, the Indiana Broadcasters Association and the amateur radio community.
The link below is for a flyer that details events and includes information pertaining to Indiana Severe Weather Preparedness Week. As stated in the flyer, the goal is to better educate people about the hazards of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes, and to help everyone be prepared should severe weather occur.
A statewide tornado drill will be conducted on March 5 (Wednesday) between 10:30 and 11 a.m. EST. A second drill will occur between 7 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evening. If Wednesday's drill is postponed due to bad weather, March 7 (Friday) is the make-up drill day. These tests should be used as times to practice your plan.
On IU campuses, officials will take this week as a time to plan, prepare and increase awareness for severe weather and practice what to do when it occurs. Administrators, faculty, staff and students should review Emergency Action Plans for any building they frequent on campus and become familiar with emergency procedures for those buildings. Building Emergency Action Plans are made available by building managers and Emergency Control Committee members. They may also be found on the Web at
Additionally, each department should take this week to inventory its emergency supply kits and first aid kits, and replenish any shortages. Day and evening tornado tests affords the IU communities the opportunity to practice work and home emergency response plans.
Everyone should also be aware: IU-Notify will NOT be included as part of these drills.