Last modified: Wednesday, October 10, 2001
IU, Monroe County among recipients of cooperation award for new emergency warning system
A 2001 Local Government Cooperation Award will be presented on Wednesday (Oct. 10) to Indiana University, Monroe County and
other local government units involved in developing the new countywide outdoor warning system.
The Association of Indiana Counties will present the honor at an award dinner in Indianapolis. The honor was created to encourage cooperative relations, to improve
productivity and efficiency, and to reward such actions between and among local government units.
The warning siren project involved replacing a 40-year-old system to alert area residents of emergencies such as tornados and thunderstorms. Major contributors to
the $394,000 project were Monroe County, $161,000; Indiana University, $75,000; Perry-Clear Creek Townships Fire District, $31,000; Van Buren Township,
$29,000; Bloomington Township, $23,000; and City of Bloomington, $15,000. A Build Indiana Fund Grant of $60,000 also helped finance the project.
Brian O'Neill, president of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners, said, "This award was only made possible through a great deal of cooperation among
public agencies and the private sector, which is a tribute to our community."
Kirk White, IU special assistant for external relations, said, "Indiana University's partnership with the community includes helping ensure public safety requirements
are met. We are pleased that our campus and local government agencies have been recognized for cooperating on such an important project that benefits all
residents of Monroe County." He said that the contribution from IU, through Risk Management and Physical Plant, also includes backup dispatch services and
assistance with the siren electronics system.