Last modified: Monday, August 11, 2008
Indiana University Bloomington expects another record-setting freshman class
First-year students to fill residence halls
Aug. 11, 2008
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Although final numbers won't be available for several weeks, officials say Indiana University Bloomington's 2008-09 freshman class will be the campus' largest and most academically talented ever, and one of its most diverse.
The number of first-year students will top the previous record of 7,259 set in the fall of 2006. Average SAT scores are higher, and the number of minority and international students in the freshman class also appears to have increased.
"It's going to be the largest freshman class in the history of Indiana University, and it's also going to be the most academically talented in terms of grade-point average and average SAT scores," said Roger Thompson, vice provost for enrollment management.
Thompson said the class also will include one of the largest groups of first-year students from the state of Indiana ever to enroll at IU Bloomington.
"We look forward to welcoming the entering class of 2008 and to helping ensure that they have the best possible freshman experience, both inside and outside the classroom," said IU Bloomington Provost and Executive Vice President Karen Hanson. "We are thrilled that so many talented and motivated students have made Indiana University their choice for attending college."
The record enrollment means some students will begin the school year in the residence halls living in converted floor lounges, a situation that has occurred several times in previous years.
Pat Connor, executive director of Residential Programs and Services, said students who were among the last to sign up for campus housing are being notified by e-mail that they have not yet received room assignments.
Some will be assigned to rooms before classes start on Sept. 2. Others will be assigned to "temporary housing" in residence hall lounges but will move to regular rooms as they become available, likely within the first three weeks of the semester. Still others will be assigned to "supplemental housing" and can expect to spend the fall semester in lounges that have been converted to student living space.
In the most common configuration, four students will share a lounge room. Each will have the standard room furnishing: wardrobe, dresser, desk, chair, bed and frame. The converted lounges will have locks that are keyed only to the residents, wired and wireless Internet access, phone and campus cable TV system.