Last modified: Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Campus Bus Service will extend evening hours
Oct. 22, 2008
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University Campus Bus Service will extend evening hours on the A, B and E routes effective Monday, Oct. 27. Four additional roundtrips on these three routes will be provided on a Monday through Thursday basis. The following shows the schedule for the extended hours for each route:

IU Student Body President Luke Fields advocated for the extension of evening service by two additional hours "to provide a safe way home for students studying late on campus or who are participating in on campus activities."
The cost of the extended evening service hours will be absorbed in the Campus Bus Service budget, which has experienced positive news lately as the cost of diesel fuel has been steadily declining since reaching a peak during the past summer.
For more information or questions, please visit or call 812-855-8961.