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Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Gerald Lowther
IU School of Optometry

Tracy James
IU Media Relations

Last modified: Friday, April 14, 2006

Risk of devastating eye infection

Eye care professionals urge people to stop using ReNu with Moisture Loc

April 14, 2006

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Indiana University School of Optometry is urging any contact lens wearers who use the Bausch and Lomb ReNu with Moisture Loc solution to stop using it and to seek medical attention immediately if they experience unusual irritation or eye pain. Irritation and/or pain could signal a serious fungal infection.

"The infection is usually more painful than if contact lens wearers get something under their contact lens," said Gerald Lowther, dean of the IU School of Optometry and an expert regarding contact lenses. "Once the infection starts, permanent vision loss could result in a matter of four or five days. The eye care profession thinks it's critical for anyone using the solution to stop and to seek medical attention immediately if they experience unusual irritation and eye pain. Don't wait a day or two to see if it clears up."

The solution has been linked to an increase in the number of reports in the United States of fungal keratitis, a rare but serious fungal infection of the eye that may cause vision loss requiring corneal transplants.

Lowther said anyone who uses the solution should contact their eye care practitioners for an alternative care system. Patients who visit the school's clinics in Bloomington and Indianapolis will receive a free starter kit of an alternative solution. The clinics in Bloomington are located at 800 E. Atwater St. and 803 N. Monroe St. The Indianapolis Eye Care Center is located at 501 Indiana Ave.

For more information about the infection, visit this FDA website, The Indiana University School of Optometry contact lens clinic also can be contacted at 812-855-2902 for information. Lowther can be reached at 812-855-4440 and