Lecture Notes
Nov. 26 - Dec. 31, 2007
Nov. 26, 2007
Noon Talk: Creative Printmaking in 20th-Century Japan: Historical Context, Global Culture
Nov. 28, 12:15-1 p.m., IU Art Museum, first floor, Bloomington -- Professor Scott O'Bryan, Departments of History and East Asian Languages and Cultures, will talk about the creative print movement in historical context and about ways that printmaking was in conversation with broader cultural conversations and being enthusiastically consumed in a global context. For more information, call 812-855-5445.
Jeannette Walls
Nov. 28, 7-8 p.m., Vivian Auditorium, Richmond -- Jeannette Walls' memoir, "The Glass Castle," has been a New York Times bestseller for more than 75 weeks, has sold more than 1.5 million copies, has been translated into 16 languages and is being made into a movie by Paramount. In "The Glass Castle," Walls describes growing up in the desert of the American Southwest and then in a West Virginia mining town with her three siblings and the brilliant, unorthodox, irresponsible parents who manage at once to neglect them, love them and teach them to face their fears. For more information, call 765-973-8243.
Natural Sciences Seminar Series
Nov. 29, 4:15 p.m., Life Sciences building, room 235, IU Southeast, New Albany -- Internationally-renowned scientist Dr. David Dilcher will present "The origin of flowering plants and their co-evolution from insects to people" as part of the Natural Sciences Seminar series. Dilcher was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1989. He retired from IU Bloomington and is an expert on fossil plants, including flowers and their evolution and origin. For more information, call 812-941-2377.
Futures in Biology: "The Pharmaceutical Industry: Process and Product"
Nov. 29, 6-7 p.m., Jordan Hall 009, Bloomington -- At this special, extended Futures in Biology session, leaders from several different biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies in Indiana will join us. Get an inside scoop on the many different companies and the positions possible at Cook, Eli Lilly, Baxter BioPharma and Roche Diagnostics. Take advantage of this chance to network with employees and leaders from these companies. The Futures in Biology lecture series connects students to professionals in science-related careers. Come to the sessions to find out how you can launch your career in Biology. For more information, visit https://development.bio.indiana.edu/Futures/.
Jewelry as a Cultural Lens
Nov. 29, 6:30-8 p.m., Woodburn Hall 120, Bloomington -- "Eye Candy." "Bling." Most of us believe that jewelry is fun, eye-pleasing or worn to display wealth. It's completely different from serious art, which takes on big ideas and forces us to see and think in new ways. This slide-talk by Tacey A. Rosolowski shows how studio and art jewelers are creating objects that give us a new look at our culture. For more information, call 812-855-5445.
"Black Bisexual Men and HIV: Time to Think Deeper"
Nov. 29, 7-8:30 p.m., the IMU Dogwood Room, Bloomington -- The Center for Sexual Health Promotion presents "Black Bisexual Men and HIV: Time to Think Deeper" by David Malebranche, MD, MPH. Malebranche is an assistant professor at the Emory University School of Medicine and a member of the President's Advisory Counsel on HIV/AIDS. For more information, visit https://www.sexualhealth.indiana.edu.
"Informatics and the Chinese research environment"
Nov. 30, 12-1:30 p.m., Ballantine 004, Bloomington -- Geoffrey Fox of the IU School of Informatics will present "Informatics and the Chinese research environment" as part of the Science and Technology in the Pacific Century seminar series. For more information, contact dhakken@indiana.edu.
"Power in the Informational State: The Social Effects of Information Policy"
Nov. 30, 2-3:30 p.m., Herman B Wells Library, room LI 001, Bloomington -- Sandra Braman, professor of communication at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, will present "Power in the Informational State: The Social Effects of Information Policy" as part of the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics lecture series. Braman has been doing research on the macro-level effects of digital technologies and their policy implications for more than two decades. She designed and launched the first graduate program in telecommunications and information policy on the African continent. For more information, visit https://rkcsi.indiana.edu/article.php/2007-fall/112.
"Studying Early Fellini in Indiana: A multifaceted case at the Lilly Library of Rare Books"
Nov. 30, 2-3 p.m., Ballantine 144, Bloomington -- The Lilly Library of Rare Books owns 35 original manuscripts by Federico Fellini and his collaborator, Tullio Pinelli. The archive contains what has been, until recently, completely unedited and unpublished subjects or treatments of some of the greatest films Fellini directed in his early career with Pinelli. Federico Pacchioni will report on recent findings at the Fellini-Pinelli archive. For more information, visit https://www.indiana.edu/~frithome/news/SFF-pacchioni.shtml.
"A Theory of Creolization"
Nov. 30, 3 p.m., the Indiana Memorial Union Oak Room, Bloomington -- Claire Lefebvre, professor of linguistic theory at the University of Quebec at Montreal, will present the Horizons of Knowledge lecture "A Theory of Creolization." For more information, contact dof@indiana.edu.
"What Happened at Aegospotami? Xenophon and Diodorus on the Last Battle of the Peloponnesian War"
Nov. 30, 4-5 p.m., Lilly Library Slocum Puzzle Room, Bloomington -- Eric Robinson from the IU history department will speak about the Peloponnesian War. For more information, visit https://www.indiana.edu/~ancient.
Noon Talk: Woodblock Prints
Dec. 5, 12:15-12:45 p.m., IU Art Museum, first floor, Bloomington -- Rudy Pozzatti, distinguished professor emeritus of fine arts, built the IU printmaking program from one of meager offerings into one of the finest in the country. Professor Pozzatti will speak on various aspects of Japanese woodblock printmaking. For more information, call 812-855-5445.
CEEP Policy Chat
Dec. 5, 1:30 p.m., the Indiana Memorial Union Dogwood Room, Bloomington -- The December Center for Evaluation and Education Policy chat is entitled "Cultural Competence and Disproportionality in Indiana: Where do we stand? Where are we headed?" Invited guests include Clara Anderson, Children's Bureau Inc.; Christine Cde Baca, Indiana Civil Rights Commission; Dr. Barbara Korth, IU School of Education; and Indiana State Rep. Greg Porter. For more information, visit https://ceep.indiana.edu.
Joseph and Sophia Konopinski Colloquia Series
Dec. 5, 4-5 p.m,, Swain West 119, Bloomington -- Edward Kearns of Boston University will speak about proton decay in the final Konopinski colloquium of the semester. For more information, visit https://www.indiana.edu/~iubphys/.
Proposing an Odious Finance Doctrine as a Deterrent to Despotic Finance
Dec. 6, 3-5 p.m., School of Law Faculty Conference Room 335, Bloomington -- In this presentation, Christy Ochoa examines the odious debt doctrine, a doctrine that argues that democratic successors to despotic governments should not be bound to repay the debt obligations of prior despotic governments if the benefits of those obligations were not passed on to the people. For more information, contact bshoup@indiana.edu.
"Capitalists Lobbying in the Capital: Results from a Survey"
Dec. 7, 12 p.m., Ballantine Hall 004, Bloomington -- Over the past few years, there has been greater attention to efforts by businesses, NGOs and others to influence public policies in China. In this project Scott Kennedy and Deng Guosheng go beyond studying individual cases and collecting anecdotes to quantitatively investigate the emergence of business lobbying in the People's Republic of China. The talk will discuss the results from a survey concerning the lobbying strategies of large multinational and Chinese companies who engage China's national government. For more information, visit https://www.indiana.edu/~easc/eaq/eaq07-08/Dec_7/Kennedy.html.
Noon Talk: Light Totem: Tower, Wall, Line, Sky
Dec. 7, 12:15-12:45 p.m., IU Art Museum, first floor, Bloomington -- Professor Rob Shakespeare, Department of Theatre and Drama, will discuss "Light Totem," his site-specific light installation, which is on view every evening in front of the IU Art Museum. For more information, call 812-855-5445.
For more lectures around the state, visit https://events.iu.edu.