Daily IU News Round-up
April 2, 2009
Applications to IU running ahead of '08 pace
More than 32,000 people have applied to be part of freshman class of about 7,000 students
The Bloomington Herald-Times, April 2 -- Made wary by last fall's record-high freshman enrollment, Indiana University administrators had considered cutting off fall 2009 applications April 1. But because the economy presents more questions than answers, prospective students have until May 1 to apply. "Even though we're up, I just think there's a lot of families out there that are being squeezed a number of different ways," Roger Thompson, IU's vice provost for enrollment management, said of fall 2009 applications. They are up about 6 percent over this time last year, he said. Full story.
IU lobbyists fight for more state dollars
Indiana Daily Student, April 2 -- With Senate budget recommendations expected within a week, it remains unclear how the state will ultimately fund IU in light of vanishing tax revenue throughout the ongoing economic downturn. A severe funding shortfall could eventually force University officials to cut academic programs, raise tuition or lay off staff, officials have said. University lobbyists in Indianapolis continue work this week to convince legislators of the need for sustained university appropriations. Full story.
Education or propaganda?
Indiana Daily Student, April 2 -- IU School of Journalism Professor Mike Conway published a 2007 work with a title linking Bill O'Reilly to "propaganda techniques." The study claims that O'Reilly engages in "name-calling" 8.88 times a minute on average. This may seem extreme, but when you read Conway's criteria, you can easily see how he came up with this high number. Conway defines name-calling as giving "a person or idea a bad label to make the audience reject them without examining the evidence." Bill O'Reilly is going to keep doing what he does best: informing and entertaining his viewers. Our professors will continue to educate us as they always have. However, we must hold our professors to the same high standard that we have held Bill O'Reilly to. If we desire diversity and a free and open exchange of ideas on our campus, let us start by truly embracing differences of opinion -- not just preaching about it. Full story.
A real taste for literature
Edible Book Festival new way to enjoy books
The Bloomington Herald-Times, April 2 -- The Indiana University Libraries celebrated the International Edible Book Festival for the first time on Wednesday with an exhibit of familiar book titles made into delectable displays. The event featured roughly 20 edible versions of book titles, each crafted by IU Library employees. Full story.
IU voices in the news
Nursing home residents stay far from ND floods
Associated Press, April 2 -- That kind of displacement would be difficult for anyone, but it's of particular concern in an elderly population. "Psychologically it's tough -- as it would be for any age group -- but for older individuals, who may have multiple (health) problems and who often have been in their homes for many years, it's a little bit more disruptive because of that sense of loss of stability and routine," said Robin Mermelstein, a University of Illinois at Chicago psychology professor. Dr. Malaz Boustani, a researcher at Indiana University's Healthy Aging Brain Center, said the stress of being uprooted can lead to depression and mental confusion for many older adults who are weakened by age or illness. Full story.
'Worm' not as big a problem as feared
The starpress.com, April 2 -- Encouraging clients to install the latest anti-virus software and to renew lapsed security subscriptions before April 1 seemed to cut the virus off at the pass, easing the anxiety of information technology staff across the city. "It turns out that there doesn't seem to be much to this April Fool's thing, which, I think, was the real headline grabber," said Eric Johnson, associate professor at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. "Everybody's relieved, obviously." Full story.
From the Chronicle
Community-College Leader Is Chosen for No. 2 Post at Education Department
In the latest sign of the growing national prominence of community colleges, President Obama has named a the chancellor of a two-year-college district in California to the government's top postsecondary-education position, the White House announced on Wednesday. The nominee for under secretary of education, Martha J. Kanter, is head of the Foothill-De Anza Community College District, in the Silicon Valley area. If confirmed by the Senate, Ms. Kanter would become the first community-college leader to hold the Education Department's No. 2 job. Full story.
Amid Talk of High Ideals, Arguments Close in Ward Churchill's Lawsuit
The trial in Ward Churchill's wrongful-dismissal lawsuit against the University of Colorado drew to a close on Wednesday with the embattled professor's lawyer telling jurors that nothing less than the fate of the Constitution rested in their hands. "The United States of America wants to know what you are going to do with the freedom we have in this country," the lawyer, David Lane, said in his closing argument in a packed Denver courtroom. But the university's lawyer, Patrick O'Rourke, had a different view -- that the university, its faculty members, and its students were under assault by the wanton recklessness of academic fraud perpetrated by Mr. Churchill. Full story.
Recession Has Changed Views Among Prospective Adult Students, Study Finds
Nearly half of adult students believe the value of education has increased over the last year due to the economic crisis, according to a survey released this week by Eduventures Inc., an education-consulting firm. Twenty-five percent of respondents said the value had not changed significantly. And only 20 percent said the value of additional education had decreased, meaning that they believed it was less likely to earn them a raise or better job. Full story.
Education Secretary Slams South Carolina Governor's Snub of Stimulus Funds
As the U.S. Department of Education prepares to distribute $44-billion to shore up states' education budgets, at least one governor is threatening to reject his state's share of the money, forcing a showdown with his own legislature and sparking a rebuke from Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who said there is a moral obligation to help underperforming students in the Palmetto State. Full story.
Medical-Group Leaders Call for End to Industry Role at Meetings
Past and present leaders of several professional medical associations called on Wednesday for an end to industry financing of their conferences and other association activities, saying such practices compromise health-care decisions and undermine public trust. The medical-group leaders issued their recommendation in a joint statement published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, as part of a continuing campaign against financial conflicts of interest throughout the drug and medical-device industry. Full story.
Daily IU News Round-up is distributed to faculty and staff at IU, and it contains a short review of media coverage relating to IU administrative and student news, federal and state legislative policy, and trends and issues in higher education. Prepared by the IU Office of University Communications, the Daily IU News Round-up is not an all-inclusive gathering of news featuring IU faculty and staff. To subscribe to the Daily IU News Round-up list or to have your name removed, please contact Susan Williams, Office of University Communications, sulwilli@indiana.edu.