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Office of the Provost

Last modified: Friday, June 19, 2009

Four Multidisciplinary Ventures and Seminars Fund recipients announced

Four Multidisciplinary Ventures and Seminars Fund recipients announced

May 4, 2009


Four new multidisciplinary ventures have been selected by the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs to provide funding for this academic year. Proposals were received from a broad range of inter-coordinated departments and schools demonstrating innovative and intellectually stimulating projects. Ventures include:

Media@IU -- A workshop proposed by Mark Deuze and Steve Krahnke (Telecommunications); Ted Striphas, Ilana Gershon, and Max Dawson (Communication and Culture); Mike Conway, and Craig Wood (School of Journalism). The goal of the workshop is to stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration between faculty within Communication and Culture, Telecommunications, the School of Journalism, students involved in media production across the IU Bloomington campus, and the Indiana Media Industry Network. For more information on this project, contact professor Deuze through

Culture, Environmental Health and Movement in the Dominican Alps: Community-integrated Trans-disciplinary Workshops in the Applied Sociomedical Sciences at Indiana University proposed by Fernando Ona, Robert Goodman, and Zobeida E. Bonilla (Applied Health Science); Geoffrey Conrad and Michael Muehlenbein (Anthropology); David Koceja (Kinesiology). The goal of this project is to establish a trans-disciplinary global health research initiative in the highlands of the Dominican Republic between IU and academic and community counterparts in the Dominican Republic. Additional financial support comes from the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation and the USAID Cluster. For more information on this project, contact professor Ona through

Building Sustainable Food Knowledge and Practices: An Interdisciplinary Seminar Series proposed by Catherine Tucker (Anthropology); Christine Barbour (Political Science); Rinku Roy Chowdhury (Geography); Benjamin Schultz (Marketing). The seminar series will bring food researchers and activists to Bloomington to share their knowledge of food production, consumption and distribution systems, and experience in building sustainable food practices and networks. Additional financial support comes from the departments of Political Science, Anthropology, and Geography, as well as a Sustainability and Environmental Literacy Leadership Award. For more information on this project, contact professor Tucker through

The Milosevic Trial: An Autopsy proposed by David L. Ransel (History) and Timothy W. Waters (Maurer School of Law). The conference will allow for scholarly exchange between practitioners in North America, Western Europe, and the Balkans, and result in an edited volume, including papers and comments from participants. Additional support for the conference comes from the Russian and East European Institute, The Maurer School of Law, and the West European Studies Center. For more information on this project, contact professor Ransel through and professor Waters at

Proposals are encouraged in all areas of intellectual inquiry, contemporary and historical, that draw together two or more disciplines in an innovative way, including those fostering the Indiana University goals of globalization and internationalization of research and creative activities. To be eligible for funding it must be coordinated by two or more full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty or librarians from the IUB campus representing at least two different disciplines and with primary academic homes in different schools or in different departments of the College of Arts and Sciences.

For more information on fund eligibility and the application process, visit or contact