Last modified: Friday, June 19, 2009
IU teams receive research grants from the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research
June 19, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Five teams of IU researchers are the recipients of more than $230,000 in internal grants that are designed to provide start-up funding for innovative research addressing critical cybersecurity needs. The grants were awarded by the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research (CACR), part of the Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University.

Fred Cate
Announcing the grants, CACR Director and Distinguished Professor Fred H. Cate said that the grants were designed to support research that would "help make information and information systems more secure."
"These grants are really seed money to help foster the collaboration and innovation necessary to address today's most pressing information assurance issues," Cate said. "Our hope is that the money will help demonstrate the promise of the research so that these projects attract more substantial support from federal and other funding sources in the future."
The internal grant competition was open to all Indiana University faculty and staff. The successful applicants represent eight different units on both the Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses.
The grant recipients are:
- Greg Travis (Advanced Network Management Lab, Pervasive Technology Institute), Minaxi Gupta (School of Informatics), Doug Pearson (REN-ISAC), and David Ripley (Advanced Network Management Lab, Pervasive Technology institute): Shared Darknet Reporting and Infrastructure
- Raquel Hill (School of Informatics), Stephanie Sanders (Gender Studies/Kinsey Institute), and Erick Janssen (Kinsey Institute): Privacy-Enhanced Online Human Subjects Data Collection
- XiaoFeng Wang (School of Informatics), Haixu Tang (School of Informatics), and Matthew Hahn (Department of Biology): Evaluation and Mitigation of Privacy Risks in Human Genome Research
- Kalpana Shankar (School of Informatics) and Kay Connelly (School of Informatics): Visualizing the Digital Trail: Privacy and the Design and Adoption of Technologies for Promoting Healthy Behaviors
- Yingzi Du (Department of Engineering and Technology), Xukai Zou (Department of Computer Science), and Scott Orr (Department of Computer Science): A Novel Approach to Robust, Secured, and Cancellable Biometrics
Funding for the internal grant program was provided by a gift from the Lilly Endowment Inc.
Cate also announced the appointment of seventeen CACR Fellows for 2009-2010 whose research in cybersecurity and related fields "warrants special recognition." The newly appointed Fellows are:
- Jean Camp (School of Informatics)
- Kay Connelly (School of Informatics)
- Yingzi Du (Engineering and Technology)
- Minaxi Gupta (School of Informatics)
- Matthew Hahn (Department of Biology)
- Raquel Hill (School of Informatics)
- Erick Janssen (Kinsey Institute)
- Steven Myers (School of Informatics)
- Doug Pearson (REN-ISAC)
- Scott Orr (Department of Computer Science)
- David Ripley (ANML, Pervasive Technology Institute)
- Stephanie Sanders (Gender Studies/Kinsey Institute)
- Kalpana Shankar (School of Informatics)
- Haixu Tang (School of Informatics)
- Greg Travis (ANML, Pervasive Technology Institute)
- XiaoFeng Wang (School of Informatics)
- Xukai Zou (Department of Computer Science)