Last modified: Thursday, July 23, 2009
'It's a whole new ballgame'
July 23, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- A newly renovated and brightly lit Indiana University Memorial Stadium provided a stage for Athletic Director Fred Glass to pull an all nighter on Wednesday (July 22). With the Hoosier football team and head coach Bill Lynch set to kick off the 2009 season at home against Eastern Kentucky on Sept. 3 at 8 p.m., Glass cheerfully braved drizzling rain to tape a television commercial about the Hoosiers and the big-event excitement of college football.

Indiana University Athletic Director Fred Glass is in the background, ready to deliver his lines as an Indianapolis television production crew member signals another take for a new Hoosier football TV commercial.
An all-day downpour threatened the shoot, scheduled for 7 p.m. with an Indianapolis television production crew, but as if on cue, the rain finally stopped just before the 10 p.m. deadline to clear out, allowing taping to begin. Glass finished the job around 3 a.m. In true Hollywood production style, it took two days, 20 crew members, several truckloads of equipment, and dozens of retakes with Glass to make the 30-second commercial.
The television spot highlights Memorial Stadium's beautiful new renovation, which encloses its north end with an addition built in IU's signature limestone collegiate gothic architectural style, and Glass, who highlighted upcoming, fan-friendly football promotions.
Ground was broken for the stadium's North End Zone project in July 2007. The new 138,000-square-foot addition connects the East and West stands and includes increased space for athletic administration office, a 25,000-square-foot strength and conditioning center, the Hall of Champion and an outdoor club seating area. For a photo gallery of the North End Zone project, go to
The 2009 football season is Glass's first as athletic director. Formerly an Indianapolis attorney and civic leader, he was named to the position last fall by IU President Michael McRobbie and officially assumed the role on Jan. 1, 2009.
For information on buying 2009 season or single game football tickets, contact the IU Athletics Ticket Office at 1-866-IUSPORTS or go to