Last modified: Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Pedersen honored by national sports management association
Sept. 1, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Paul M. Pedersen, associate professor of sport management in Indiana University Bloomington's School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, has been named a 2009 Research Fellow of the North American Society for Sport Management.

Paul Pedersen
Pedersen, director of the sport management doctoral program in the School of HPER's Department of Kinesiology, received the honor at the NASSM's annual conference in Columbia, S.C. A former sportswriter and sports business columnist, his research emphasis is on sport communication and sport management, with his research agenda focusing on hegemony theory and hegemonic practices -- how dominant groups secure and maintain power -- within the institution of sport.
The NASSM Research Fellow designation recognizes NASSM's scholars by honoring their achievement in sport-related scholarship disseminated through NASSM. The NASSM Research Fellow designation is intended to grant distinction within NASSM and Fellows' own academic communities and encourage high standards of research and other forms of scholarship among NASSM members.
Pedersen has authored or co-authored three books and published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles in academic outlets such as the Journal of Sport Management, Sociology of Sport Journal, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, and Journal of Sports Economics. Strategic Sport Communication (2007) is Pedersen's third book. This textbook uses communication theory, sport literature, and the authors' practical and scholarly experiences to introduce readers to all aspects of the sport communication segment of the sport industry. Two additional textbooks, Contemporary Sport Management and Research Methods in Sport Management, are expected to be published in 2010.
In addition to giving more than 50 refereed presentations at professional conferences and authoring more than 400 non-refereed articles and book chapters, he is the founding editor of the International Journal of Sport Communication ( He also serves as either an associate editor, assistant editor or as an editorial review board member for five national and international sport journals.
Pedersen has researched, published and presented on the activities and practices of many sport organization personnel, specifically those associated with the print media, such as newspaper editors and reporters, and personnel affiliated with intercollegiate and interscholastic sports, such as athletic directors and student-athletes. For more, visit