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Chuck Carney
IU School of Education

Last modified: Wednesday, September 9, 2009

School of Education alumni honored for contributions across the world, the nation, and the campus

Annual Recognition Dinner on Friday

Sept. 9, 2009

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The global reach and innovative spirit of the Indiana University School of Education is reflected in the 2009 honorees for the school's Annual Recognition Dinner on Friday (Sept. 11).

The three recipients of the IU School of Education Distinguished Alumni award include education leaders in Korea and Indonesia as well as the former dean who helped build national recognition for what was then known as the IU Department of Afro-American Affairs. IU Foundation president Gene Tempel will receive the distinguished alumni award from the Higher Education and Student Affairs program in the School of Education.

Also as a part of Friday's event, IU Professor Erna Alant will be recognized as the Otting Chair in Special Education.

The 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award honorees

Among them the alumni being honored have authored hundreds of articles and numerous books in their areas of expertise. The 32nd annual awards honor those who hold an IU School of Education degree and have made a lasting impact through their work since leaving the school.

Young Hwan Kim, Ph.D. 1994, a professor in the Department of Education and chair of the Educational Technology Division at Pusan National University in Korea. His work has contributed to international efforts in e-learning. Kim was the planning director of Pusan National University Cyber University, and is now the president of the Institute of APEC Collaborative Education, which conducts international teacher training workshops on e-learning. He has received the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister's Award, the Korean Ministry of Education Minister's Award, and a plaque of appreciation from the Indonesian Ministry of Education for establishing an academic network between Korea and Indonesia.

Joseph J. Russell, M.S. 1968, Ed.D. 1970, executive vice president and consultant of DLM Virginia Corporation Adult Residential Care Communities, brought what then was called the IU Department of Afro-American Affairs to national prominence as its chair and dean. Russell retired as vice provost of Ohio State University in 1994. He is a founding member of the National Council for Black Studies, serving as the first executive director for 16 years. Among Russell's many honors are the Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Fellowship Award, Phi Beta Sigma Outstanding Scholarship and Administrative Support Award, and a listing as one of Black Journal's "100 Most Influential Friends." IU honored him with a Distinguished Alumni Service Award last year.

H.A.R. Tillar, M.A. 1966, Ed.D. 1967, professor emeritus at the State University of Jakarta and a highly-influential voice for education in Indonesia. He spent 23 years as an educational specialist for BAPPENAS, the Indonesian government's central planning agency, serving as deputy director for education and culture and assistant minister for human resource development. Tillar is the author of more than 200 articles and 20 books on Indonesian education, including the most comprehensive historical study to date. The Republic of Indonesia awarded him the "Bintang Jasa Utama," or "Highest Service Star," in 1998.

The Robert H. Shaffer Distinguished Alumnus Award

This award is presented by the HESA department in the School of Education to honor an alumnus who, according to the award guidelines, "demonstrates the commitment to excellence in administrative leadership, scholarship, service to the profession, and compassion and concern for students and colleagues, exemplified by the man for whom the award is named." Robert Shaffer, widely considered a pioneer in the field of higher education and student affairs, served as the dean of students at IU from 1955 until 1969 and held joint faculty appointments in the schools of business and education until he retired in 1981.

Gene Tempel, M.A. 1973, Ed.D. 1985, studied under Shaffer. He assumed the presidency of the IU foundation in September 2008 and holds a professorship in philanthropic studies and higher education. Prior to his current role, Tempel was executive director of the IU Center on Philanthropy, director of external affairs for the IU College of Arts and Sciences, IU Foundation Indianapolis vice president, executive director of the Fund Raising School, and vice chancellor for external affairs at IUPUI.

"I knew Bob Shaffer, first when I was a young student and he was on the St. Meinrad (School of Theology) Board of Overseers, and later when I was a graduate student in the School of Education," Tempel said. "He was a person that you liked and admired and learned from. You said to yourself, 'I want to be like him.' To be a part of his legacy is an extraordinary, and much appreciated honor."

Otting Chair in Special Education

Erna Alant has joined the faculty to continue work focusing on the development of relevant communication systems for people who have no or little speech and live in high poverty. Over a 30-year career based in South Africa, she has earned numerous international honors, including an award from the American Association for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in recognition of her contributions to the field.

The awards will be presented at a dinner at the Wright Education Building at IU Bloomington on Friday evening.